gorjala Mutant

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Name: Abilo Miguel 

Height: 8 feet tall

Species;  Mutant 

Occupation: Construction worker 


-I'm not some goody toeshoes in fact I'm a piece of shit, so I won't hold back and,break your bones, for harming anyone I care about-

-go cry and, bitch about, someone, not supporting, you I don't care, if you broke, the law and cried, about it well, I can't take, ya seriously-

-I am, very much a hated, person and I'll accept that since, i've met people who;'s hated me, accidentally, destroying their houses which is understandable-

-I don't care if you apologize,you broke the law, so I'm gonna break, Every bone in your body-

Height: 12 feet tall

Weight: 800 pounds 

Age: 25

Personality; Tends, to be unfocused Short tempered, and easily distracted but can be good at crafting, kind and friendly 

Hero type: Anti-hero 

Nationality; Brazilian 

Hobbies; likes, crafting weapons, drawing learning, new ways, to help the military, helping, people, and making different kinds of weapons.


Giant form

Fighting Styles and Skills

Enhanced Craftsmanship

Size-Combat: The user is able to utilize size manipulation with their physical combat, granting them an impressive selection of offensive and defensive abilities depending on the user's inventiveness with their size.

Strength Combat: The user can mix physical strength with close-quarters combat, giving their attacks great force which can potentially cripple, maim, and kill their opponents.

Engineering Mastery: The user, either innately or through training, is a master of engineering, the process of using the answers to scientific questions to solve problems. They use knowledge of science and creativity to create various objects, structures, and machines or to make designs functional. They can dissect a new discovery to find a way to use it to resolve the current problem.

Powers and abilities 

Giant physiology: Users either are or can transform into a giant, a humanoid being of prodigious size and strength common in the mythology and legends of many different cultures. The most obvious changes are increased size (ranging from relatively normal-sized but big to huge to closer geological scale), strength, and endurance. Generally, giants lack any real supernatural abilities, but they can have the same ability to learn as, for example, humans, and some have truly impressive powers.

Unique Physiology: Users possess a physiology that is unique compared to the rest of their species/race/kind. This gives them physical and mental characteristics which make them superior in some way to the rest of their race. The user holds abilities that by their race may be natural and are therefore "superhuman". While they may appear completely identical to other members of their race, their bodies are powerful and possess varied abilities or functions in unequivocally inhuman ways

Superhuman muscle usage: The user can exert more of their body's muscular strength, which should be physically possible (even on an enhanced level). This is used for a variety of things and not just for Supernatural Strength, but also Speed and Agility. 

Self-Muscle manipulation: The user has complete control over their own muscles, allowing them to freely alter and manipulate them, including altering muscle tissue itself, its development, increase/decrease muscle mass/strength and thus stamina, flexibility, reflexes, etc.

Superhuman Strength: The user can raise thousands of pounds to tens of thousands of pounds. Being able to carry out any offensive action with the force of a massive vehicle. Users can lift cars, trucks, buses, moderate to large-sized rocks, and tall trees and are often beyond the physical limits of humans at their maximum. The user can perform extremely powerful attacks and cause a lot of collateral damage such as destroying large bridges, buildings, heavy vehicles, and large trees, and killing huge creatures that require military-grade weapons, such as moderate explosives, with only their physical strength.

Superhuman Durability: Users are glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally more enduring than other beings in their verse because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural limits; making them able to work longer/survive without supplies, resources, energy, or other items for an immensely extended amount of time, far longer than regular beings (in that verse).

Superhuman Endurance: Users are glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally more enduring than other beings in their verse because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural limits; making them able to work longer/survive without supplies, resources, energy, or other items for an immensely extended amount of time, far longer than regular beings (in that verse).

Superhuman Hearing: Users' sense of hearing is glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally more acute than other beings in their universe because their capabilities are pushed to a superhuman level. Allowing them to hear anything over incredible distances, hear things that are seemingly too quiet to be discernible as well as being able to hear sounds over an insane range of frequencies. Advanced users are even able to hear individual molecules/atoms and their movements, or even the supernatural/paranormal, including the activities or spirits or immaterial beings and creatures. This also allows them to acquire auditory information from even the future or past.

Superhuman body: Users' physical abilities are glaringly, obviously, and super/unnaturally physically superior over other beings in their universe because their capabilities are far beyond natural levels, making them immensely stronger, faster, and more durable than regular beings (in that verse) can achieve by seemingly any method of training

Superhuman Cells: The user's cells and body tissue are more powerful than the average human being's, the cells and tissues are at supernatural levels and access the entire body and just about anything connected to cells. Their entire body is modified and enhanced at the cellular or genetic level, granting superhuman capabilities.

Indomitable Rage: The user has indomitably intense rage, a very dangerous and violent emotion that involves uncontrollable anger, which can escalate hostilities around the user. Their fury can also act as a makeshift source of power for their strength, such ferocity can prove a great source of energy, but it can prove dangerous for the user as they can be bound to which can prove never-ending and ever-growing, enabling them to be immune to all forms of pacification including Patience Manipulation, Patience Inducement, Peace Inducement, and Serenity Inducement.

Humanity Retainment; He keeps his own, humanity.

VIbration manipulation: Users can create, shape, move, control, interact and manipulate vibrations, a mechanical phenomenon whereby oscillations occur about an equilibrium point. Thus, they can manipulate vibrations in themselves, others, objects, the environment/surrounding, etc., through the ground, water, or air. Vibration is a very overarching concept and phenomenon that affects almost everything on a physical level, including sound, temperature, and shockwaves, allowing users to exert their power over them. They would also be able to use vibrations to increase their own senses and condition, most commonly augmenting their combative output. For example, users would be able to cause massive physical damage by dramatically increasing small vibrations to seismic tremors, which can range from tearing down buildings to pulverizing continents. Users could also possibly manipulate all forms of Matter and energy as well by tapping into their vibrational frequencies and bending them to their will. If powerful enough the users could even manipulate particles and quantum fields through the manipulation of vibrations.

Other Soul: The user's soul/spirit isn't similar to their species, resembling some other being's soul, but they themselves are not that being. Their soul can be mixed, bestial, of some other species, supernatural being, or something completely else. While this grants them several powers/skills of the being their soul is like, they keep their own species' body.

Enhanced Violence: Users are incredibly skilled at harming others, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Users have no problem using any means to get their way with others, even if it involves breaking a few bones or leaving some scars. They don't necessarily have to be good at fighting or killing to be violent, however, the intention to harm has to be there, which usually does lead to the deaths or maiming of others.

Dermal Armor; his skin, works like dense armor, helping him, tank and survive any attack that's explosive or not.

Genesis Creation: Users create other lesser or equal beings from themselves and make as many beings as they want without losing any energy.

Kinetic Energy Absorption: The user can absorb all forms of kinetic energy, while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as power source, etc, either temporarily or permanently

Aquatic Breathing: he can breathe underwater.

Immunity to fire Weather, poison, and Disease

raw power: The user either possesses an extreme and raw level of overwhelming power so tremendous and destructive it can make users by far the most powerful and mighty beings in their known worlds and by far the most dangerous to have ever been known because of their unrivaled might, or simply the quality to overwhelm through sheer strength

Anger Empowerment: The user becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. through anger/rage whether on their own or others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers, and as a bonus, the user can suppress pain to great lengths. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the anger. If angry enough the user can also negate another's abilities/powers

Strength-Based-Invulnerability: The user's physical strength increases their bodily mass, durability, and/or density, and as this happens, they develop a form of relative invulnerability, the user becoming impossible to harm by beings or forces less powerful than themselves.

Size Defiance: The user can ignore the consequences of having a large or small size or having their size changed, allowing them to do things regardless of their size with the speed and grace of normal size.

Vocal Replication: He can replicate, different types of voices.

Meta-Crafting: he can craft anything with no limit.

Unnatural Size: he's at an unnatural Size allowing, him to fight and beat people, with his own Size alone.

Accelerated Healing Factor: he can Heal, at an Accelerated rate, allowing him to regrow limbs, at a cost of stamina.

Environmental Adaption:  The user can survive and adapt to any environment and/or condition, being able to tolerate a wide range of temperatures and levels of moisture, any amount/quality of sustenance, breathable medium, etc. with little or no discomfort.

Size-Manipulation: The user can manipulate the size of anything and everything, from tiny to absolutely gigantic while retaining their physical proportions, some may be able to alter targets' density. Usually, strength and durability are proportional to the size assumed, but the target may gain increased abilities when growing or keep their normal ones when shrinking.

Density manipulation: The user can manipulate density, which is defined as mass per unit of volume. This allows them to alter solidity, change the size of substances, create or destroy matter/mass in a volume, change inertial resistance (mass), make things intangible, either strengthen or weaken gravity, concentrate or expand matter, or create pressure differences in a fluid (gas, liquid, plasma) to induce a current and possibly use it to move solids.

Fear Inducement: with his large, size he can Cause people, to feel fear of him.

Endless Growth: The user has no pre-determined size, as such they can continue to grow and increase in size without any upper limit, potentially even large enough to be uncontainable.

Impact manipulation: The user can manipulate the forces of impacts and collisions and make objects come to a dead stop after hitting something, or bounce back from hitting something. They can also cause objects to move and push things they hit if they have a large mass and also control the amount of deformation, heat, and sound that occurs in a collision, or even use this to cause objects to tear through walls. With enough training, the user can turn their surrounding environment into a pinball machine-like environment.

Impact Defiance: The user can defy impacts, allowing them to bounce off into any direction other than what is specified in Newton's Third Law when hitting something. They can also defy the magnitude of impact, making it so that the user is unaffected by them, and they can make it so that the impact is elastic or inelastic in terms of impact "bounciness". The user can defy the laws of conservation of energy and momentum when dealing with impacts. They can make it so they bounce off walls, stop dead at walls, or break through them when they aren't supposed to.

Gravity Adaption

thick Bones: his bones, are too thick, to break through.

Weakness; Is vulnerable, to Magical Attacks and people, who can kill giants with special weapons.

Drawback: his Healing factor, costs him Stamina and energy, due to obviously, getting his body, parts destroyed.


Size-Shift: he Changes, the size of any object or body, or part and uses it for combat.

Muscle-Augmentation: he can use his size-changing abilities to increase his muscle mass, for combat.

Size-bestowal: He grants, someone a different, size to use for support.

Crush: when he's large as a mountain, he can crush someone with his bare hands.

Speed-Growth; he increases, his speed allowing, him to Be as fast as a Car.

Muscle-mass-Negation: With his own, abilities he can, negate the targets, and muscle mass, making their physical abilities weaker.

Shrinking-presence; He uses his size-changing, abilities to not only, shrink his enemies, but make their powers weaker, as well granting him, an advantage.

impact-Punch: he increases his physical strength with more, muscle strength and throws a full power punch with more impact and Damage added, to the attack

Physical-Augmentation: he augments, his physical abilities, by flexing his own, muscles, granting him more Strength and power.

Size-Reduce; He reduces, the size of a large object, puts it in some liquids like wine and, deactivates it killing, the victim who drinks, the liquid.

Area-transform: He naturally, affects the area he's in, granting him, an advantage where he can, adapt and have the advantage.


-he doesn't have a good, relationship, with his mother-

-he's not very happy, with people who, use him, for just his strength-

-he has, beliefs in a God but doesn't talk much about it-

-he's neutral, towards Europeans, as he doesn't hold any grudge, against them-

-his mother neglected him but he got over, it and moved away and he loved, his father more-

-his fathers, a Priest in, the Apostolic Church-

-he is very much a mutant, with incredible powers-

-he chose, to be a construction, worker and, use his size,to help build, many Buildings, that people need help with it-

-with him being a mutant, who's enhanced he's got insane levels, of size-changing powers, allowing him, to fight Dragons-

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