Mutated Human/t rex OC

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Name: Davis Wakeman

Height: 10 feet tall.

weight: 11,000 to 15,500 pounds

Species; Mutated Human

Personality: dense dumb kind caring compassionate and curious(about things) but can be serious and isn't the type to forgive criminals

Anatomy; Like a t rex he has strong skin, an oversized head in a full t rex form is insanely durable, and has a 12-inch member his speed is increased to 10 miles per hour along with his height in the human form being 10 feet tall while his t rex transformations are tall as 40 feet tall and he's got Strong physical skin to help him survive damage.

Hobbies; He's a scavenger hunter, Enjoys reading Eating food, and Likes wrestling 

Age: 18


Supernatural hunter.

Fighting styles and knowledge/Skills

metallurgy intuition:The user is a master of the field of metallurgy. They can examine the performance of metals, and determine which ones can be put to which uses. The user can find a way to make a unique alloy.

Wrestling mastery

Strength combat; through physical attacks, he can combine them with other abilities.

Dynamic Arts; Has a fighting style involving brute strength.

Powers and abilities.

Artificially enhanced physiology 

Enhanced muscle usage; he has an enhanced level of muscle strength where he can release 35,000 newtons of strength

Human physiology

Dino-Dragon physiology 

Superior Dinosaur physiology 

Authority; Over lesser dinosaurs

Dino-force manipulation

Anger empowerment; He gains power and strength through his own Anger.

Superhuman Condition: he's physically strong at the superhuman level.

Primordial Force manipulation: he can manipulate primordial forces.

One-man Army; He's a one-man army.

Enviromental manipulation: he can manipulate the environment itself.

Dinosaur soul: Has a soul of a prehistoric dinosaur 

100% Muscle usage/nonrelative strength

Vibration manipulation: He can manipulate and control vibrations for physical combat.

Fossil manipulation: he can manipulate Ancient fossils.

Supernatural survivability; he's capable of surviving anything at a supernatural level.

Enhanced Roar; He has an enhanced Roar that can make anyone feel fear.

Decelerated Aging; he ages slowly.

Extrasensory Perception

Body manipulation

Fear masking: he can mask his own fear.

Impact manipulation: he can manipulate impact and use it for physical attacks with more powerful strikes leaving a powerful impact to the body. 

temperature regulation: he can control his own body temperature.

Force Field Generation: he can generate force fields for defense and can even use it to crush someone.

Rock manipulation 

Invisibility: he can become invisible to sca

Natural Weaponry: he has natural claws for combat.

Regenerative Healing Factor

Self-muscle manipulation: he can control his own muscle strength and use them for wrestling.

Telekinesis: he can use telekinesis to lift things from a far distance if he can't lift anything with his small arms.

Teleportation: he can teleport in different areas.

Muscle  Armor: his muscles are like armor.

Dermal armor: He has skin that works like dense armor.

Shockwave manipulation

Fear inducement; through his large size he can cause those to feel fear.

Pressure manipulation: he can manipulate the pressure itself for powerful attacks.

Plasma manipulation: He can control manipulate and shape plasma into anything.

Magma manipulation: he can control magma  and summon volcanos and is able to cause volcanos to erupt

Fang Retraction: he can retract his own fangs.

Large Size; he's naturally large.

Resistance to poison Diseases and viruses

Immunity to the cold

Forest Adaption: he can adapt to a large forest.

Draconic element manipulation: he manipulates draconic elements.

Impact absorption: he gains power by absorbing the impact from Powerful impact.

Energy absorption: he can absorb energy itself to gain power and increase his attributes 

Heat manipulation: he can generate and control heat itself.

Supernatural cells; He has supernatural cells helping him survive tough environments that are toxic to his biology.

Adaptation Absorption

Adaptive Attribute Assimilation

Evolving Fusionism: the more flesh he consumes he'll fuse with it.

Consumption Shapeshifting; he can shapeshift into anything he consumes.

Consumption Mimicry: he can mimic eaten creatures.


Consumptive Replication; can replicate powers through consumption

Evolving Absorbing Replication: he can evolve further through absorbing consumed matter.

Digestive Assimilation: he can assimilate Digested matter

Infinite Digestive System: He has an infinite digestive system allowing him to consume anything

Ingestion Transformation: the things he digest allow him to transform into what he consumed by effecting his anatomy.

Indombitble Gluttony; he has an indombitable hunger.

Matter ingestion: Can consume any kind of matter.

Elastic Jaws; he has an elastic Jaw to help him consume things bigger than him or use it to bite down on larger creatures.

Assimilative evolution: Digestively evolves into a powered state.

Size manipulation: he can either grow in size for intimidation and if he freaks out he'll shrink in size.

Damage empowerment; he gains power from any form of damage he suffers.

Powerful Bite: has powerful bite force that's 431,342 PSI 

Adaptive mind: he can adapt after learning something 

Prehistoric life form manipulation: can control the prehistoric life of dinosaurs. 

Predator Instinct: he has the predator instinct of a t rex

Thick Skull: his skull is thicker than human bone.

Element manipulation

Vibration manipulation

Acid Manipulation; he can manipulate shape and control acid.

Physical Augmentation: he augments his own physical abilities in different ways like absorbing energy or gaining power from damage

Reactive Adaption: he adapts more when he reacts.

mutation empowerment; The more he mutates the more power he gains.

Rage empowerment: he gains power from his own anger.

Acidic fire manipulation: he can breathe out acidic fire.

Time Stop: through the world alternate he can stop time itself for a few minute.

Adaptive resistance: he adapts gaining more resistance to pain fire ice and lava.

Weakness: his little arms are useless in a full t rex form.


Power Stomp: He Stomps on the ground with muscle strength as this can break bones with just pure muscle strength.

Power walk: he walks with his muscle strength for physical leg strikes.

Suplex; When in a humanoid T Rex form he suplexes his target breaking their bones.

Crush: he crushes the target's bones with his pure muscle strength.

Acidic Fire breath: he breathes out acidic flames burning anything and causing it to melt.

Earthquake: he stomps on the ground creating an earthquake capable of destroying multiple buildings and cities.

Plasma beam; he fires plasma from his own mouth damaging anything 

Soru: He dodges extremely fast to help with speed.

Iron body; He uses iron body to increase his durability and defense where he can tank anything with ease.

Shigan: he attacks the target with a claw of a T rex implaling the victim leading to more fatal blood loss.

Rankyaku: He uses his tail with rankyaku creating a stronger long ranged pressure attack capable of destroying buildings.

Fire breath: he burns someone alive through fire.

Plasma Vision: he shoots out beams of plasma from his eyes.

Elemental breath: he breaths out different elements of fire breath doing immense damage.

Dowsing; He can locate different objects materials treasures and people.

Standname; The world


Humanoid form

T rex form

Mutant form

Burning form/Powered-up form.

yeti hybrid form(the form is used to handle all forms of tough weather where it can be used to survive the tough environment)

Volcanic Rex form

full mutation form.

Final form/Dino-Dragon form/Final mutation


tiff crust 

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