PResident OC

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Name: Kamoko Brawn

Sexuality: straight

Personality: trusting , kind stern forgiving,serious humble quiet Charisma, enjoys coffee tea and is respectful but when fighting, he's a Strong fighter, Enjoys a good fight Calculative Fierce fearless and Doesn't Fear anyone but when unamused or annoyed he can make those feel intimidated or fearful.

Flaw; He's easily Angered and Dislikes getting Dislikes disrespects.

Age: 49


Likes: chocolate vodka, his people, tea food from other countries.

Dislikes: Satanism, being worshiped, the cult of Baphomet, north Korean war, the Death of innocents, and the corruption of a country.

Alignment: neutral good

Religon; Christianity

Nicknames " false baphomet,president of Japan

Flaw: he's an alcoholic and very much isn't the best when it comes to teaching children school related subjects as well as a chocolate addiction and he's not the type to care if you are offended or not as he sees that as making yourself look like a child.

His Quotes.

Quote 1; We truly do want, peace we must not start wars even if a president does naturally die.

Quote 2; it's best not to start wars as Wars will lead to more death of innocence.

Quote 3; if a criminal doesn't start his crimes, then you must keep him in priosn for life.

Quote 4; All life is important but sometimes, you have to stop Said criminal with your own hands.

Quote 5: you can't go to heaven by works alone only faith as it says in the bible

Quote 6; trying to build a tower to heaven will never truly happen as the only way into heaven is through trust in jesus chriest himself

Quote 7: I'm not perfect i am very much a sinner as you should accept your flaws as it shows your human.

Quote 8; What i've learned is from is becoming president isn't easy as it actually is hard and needs,hardwork

Quote 9: Lying to your people will lead to a country not trusting you.

Quote 10: I Do not want any kind of worship as worshiping someone for just godly power is truly ignorant and not right

Quote 11: as president of this country worship of devils shall not be allowed.

Quote 12; abortion shall be,illegal as nobody shall kill,a child.

Quote 13: I may be seen as powerful but do not see me as a god as I am not the true god.

Quote 14; I am nothing like Baphomet and will never be like him.

Quote 15: it is not by works, alone that, gets you into heaven by belief in Jesus Christ and accepting him as your lord and savior that.

Quote 16: Jesus Died for us and rose again to save us.

Quote 17: We can all fall short but must come back up and repent against sins,we've commited.

Quote 18: repent for sins you've committed against god and have a relationship with god.

Quote 19: it dont matter,if you have an opinion and if your offened what matters,is doing something that's actually serious and nothing of Such things,like pathetic insults offending you.

Quote 20: even if i dont agree, with homosexuality i wont, enforce my law and make it illegal as that's pathetic.

quote 21: if you are this pathetic enough, to get pissed off at someone,for not accepting your sexuality or beliefs then you're a fool if you get offended by them,

Quote 22: I may embody duality but I'm no god as evil exist merely cause of Sin in the world.

Quote 23; No criminal shall have a Devil fruit shall use them for their own gain as those who use it for selfish reasons aren't great and don't deserve it.

Quote 24: I am not a real Demon as I have a soul that can be tempted and can even be deceived.

Quote 25; I truly despise the demon Baphomet as even if i Have the power of Baphomet I will never be the abomination as I am an Alien but made in God's image seeing that being like Demons are nothing more than a way to screw your life over.

Quote 26; to be truthful Your opinions Don't matter to what God is as God is supremely good while Evil Came From us and the fallen angels.

Quote 27; sorry to break it to ya but you can't control a demon as those who think that are foolish and even are more foolish in believing a demon lies.

Quote 28:the upside-down cross Does not belong to Satanists as it belongs to Saint peter.

Quote 29: if you try Astral Projection without asking GodsPermision you will be Stuck out of your body and unable to get back into your body.

Mythical zoan: Yagi Yagi no mi model: Baphomet

Mythical zoan Uma Uma no mi model: qilin

Logia: yami yami no mi

Paramecia: supa supa no mi

Occupation: President

Home country: Japan.

Species: Lunarian


Biology: he gains powerful leg strength being able,to break bones flesh aswell as an increase in speed along with his flexibility being better,as his penis Size is When not erect, the penis is 50 cm long and 2.5 to 6 cm in diameter with the detail being 15 to 20 cm free in the prepuce. When erect, the penis doubles in length and thickness and the glants increases by 3 to 4 times at the same time, growing two causes, of the serpent biology

Fighting styles and skills.

Political Mastery


Military mastery

Powers and Abilities.

Pseudo Demon Physiology: a being who is not unholy and just has the powers of said demons/fallen angels along with his soul not being corrupted and the only way they can become truly demonic in nature is by losing their faith and having no soul since birth.

Potentiality Lordship: The user governs the potential of everything that is and isn't, thereby deciding whatever can and cannot happen - like whatever kind of interaction is able to take place, laying out a framework of impossibilities in the process that isn't opposable by any means, as to do so, the necessary potential is required in the first place.

Lunarian physiology

goat Physiology

qilin Physiology

Enhanced muscle usage/Nonrelative strength

Physical Forces Embodiment: The user becomes a physical manifestation or personification of physical forces (deformation, friction, inertia, motion, etc.

Supernatural Condition

Duality Embodiment: The user embodies all dualism and binary oppositions and systems, having absolute control over all boundaries, dualities, and even ones that do not exist, and can create and even destroy boundaries.

Indomitable willpower; he has a strong indomitable willpower.

Eclipse Manipulation: he can manipulate the eclipse itself.

Metal manipulation: he has a limited form of metal manipulation allowing him to form metal blades around his body for defensive and offensive combat.

Malefic force manipulation: The user can manipulate the force of evil energy and use it to fulfill their desires, whether it be from a dimension, object, or another being.

godly incarnation: The user of this power either is or merely has the traits of the One True God or The Supreme Being.

Satanic Incarnation: he has the power of a satanic incarnation as it's similar to a Satanic deity.

Duality Embodiment: he embodies Duality.

Opposites Embodiment: The user is the personification of some or all opposites (such as existence and nonexistence, creation and destruction, light and darkness, etc), granting them limitless control over all opposing forces.

Neutral Embodiment: embodies the concept of neutrality.

Muscle Armor: he trained his muscles, to the point they work like armor.

Muscle mass enhancement: The user can increase the muscle mass (all or only certain muscles) of oneself and others, enhancing any physical abilities pertaining to muscle, such as strength, speed, stamina, height, and durability.

Beast divinity; can use divinity of a beast

Benefic Force Manipulation: the user has control over the force of good energy to their desire. The user may manipulate the force of good energy from a dimension, object or another being.

Paradox Existence: The user is a paradoxical existence, either because they themselves are a paradox or exist because of a paradox in the space-time continuum, usually caused by traveling back in time and changing or causing the event that created someone, such as traveling back in time and introducing your father to your mother or becoming your own grandfather. They may damage the time-space continuum because they are an anomaly in it.

Paradox Manipulation: can manipulate the concept of a paradox.

Night vision: can see at night.

Esoteric flame Manipulation

Magma manipulation

Bio fire manipulation

Stillness manipulation; Via D4C requiem he can use this to counter the infinite rotation.

Darkness manipulation: he can manipulate Darkness itself.

Gravity manipulation: he can manipulate gravity itself.

Powerful bite: he has gained a powerful bite being capable of tearing through flesh much faster and stronger.


Paradox manipulation: he can manipulate the paradox itself.

Accelerated Regeneration: he can regenerate at an accelerated rate being capable of regrowing his entire body even if he's atomized.


Vacuum survival

Gold manipulation

Divine protection: thanks to the holy Corspe he's protected by misfortune

Luck bestowal: can bestow luck onto people making them extremely lucky.

Dimensional border manipulation.: can manipulate the dimensional border.

Immunity to disease viruses poison Radiation causality being manipulation,demonic possession, fire heat, and cold

Resistance to pressure pain holy Powers and Damage.

Dimension manipulation

Misfortune redirection: with D4C He can redirect misfortune

Blade manipulation: he can manipulate blades and create different types of sharp blades from his body.

Counter rotation: The user can create a counter rotation to cancel other rotations. This allows them to negate or nullify rotational forces by creating an equal but opposite rotating force.

Dimensional hop: he can hop through dimensions.

Psychic dimension manipulation: Via D4C He can manipulate dimensions

Alternate self summon: can summon an alternate version of him.

Distance Manipulation: The user can create, shape and manipulate ; a numerical description of how far apart objects are. In physics or everyday discussion, distance may refer to a physical length, or an estimation based on other criteria (e.g. "two counties over"). In mathematics, a distance function or metric is a generalization of the concept of physical distance.

Distance Sense: can sense the life force of someone from s far distance.

Morality viewing: can view someone's Morality from a simple glance.

Serenity inducement

Peace empowerment: gets empowered by peace converting it into power.

Remote Teleportation: he can teleport to a remote location.

Location Swapping: if he truly wants he can swap locations of different things.

Complete arsenal: Users have every imaginable, unimaginable, possible, impossible, existent, non-existent, known, unknown, thinkable, unthinkable, created, uncreated, discovered, undiscovered, fictional, nonfictional, perceived, unperceived, etc. power/ability ever, regardless of any flaws or limitations, the user harbors them all. This enables them to expand on/affect anything from the simplest physical phenomena to concept and finally, the Omniverse and beyond. For example, the user can possess everything from Enhanced Strength and Flight to powerful abilities that go well beyond standard abilities.

Thoughtless complete arsenal: The user possesses an endless number of abilities, covering every possible effect and countermeasure.

Boundary Manipulation

Causality Manipulation

Indeterminacy: Be beyond all scaling or definition.

Power Manipulation: can manipulate different kinds of superpowers

Paradox Manipulation: can manipulate and cause a Paradox as it can be anything.

Balanced Aspect Manifestation

Difference Manipulation: can manipulate the concept of differences.

Yin & Yang Manipulation: can manipulate Yin and yang.

Pseudoscience Manipulation: has control over pseudoscience

Absolute Spirituality - Be spiritually almighty.

Autopotence - Be omnipotent over oneself.

Benefic Force Manipulation - Manipulate and/or create good energies.

Divine Force Manipulation - Manipulate context, objects, or concepts that have been deemed sacred.

Divinity - Possess divine powers.

Enlightenment - Possess a full understanding of the universe.

Etherius Warping - Warp existence through direct control of ether.

Meta Miracle Manipulation - Manipulate the ultimate miracles.

Supreme Divinity - Have powers from the absolute highest divine source.

Omniscience - Possess all knowledge.

Psionic Derivation - Be the driving force and/or source of all psychic power.

Psionic Godhood - Control all psionic and psychic powers to unlimited scales.

Psycho Warping - Warp reality via psychic powers and abilities.

Unimind - Be connected with all things and their essences.

Almighty Science - Be omnipotent over science.

Meta Science - Transcend the rules of science.

Omni-Physics Manipulation - Manipulate physics in all forms.

Physical Godhood - Manipulate aspects of existence.

Science Ascendancy - Have capabilities beyond the laws of science.

Science Mastery - Be a master of the area of science.

Science Lordship - Have absolute control over science.

Transcendent Science - Use the ultimate form of science.

Absolute Life Manipulation/Absolute Death Manipulation (Life/Death)

Absolute Restoration/Absolute Destruction (Break/Repair)

Age Shifting/Age Manipulation (Young/Old)

Beginning Dominance/Conclusion Dominance (Beginning/Ending)

Boundary Perception (By Nature)

Boundary Restoration (Altered/Unaltered)

Causality Manipulation (Cause/Effect)

Change/Stagnation (Alternation/Uniformity)

Circadian Manipulation (Day/Night)

Complete Arsenal (All/None)

Death Inducement/Resurrection (Life/Death)

Unity/Cosmic Otherness (Unity/Division)

Distance Manipulation (Near/Far)

Existence Manipulation/Nothingness Manipulation (Existence/Nonexistence)

Immutability (Alteration/Preservation)

Infinite Supply (Zero/Infinity)

Logic Manipulation (Possible/Impossible)

Luck (Success/Failure)

Manipulations (Inertia/Control)

Meta Power Manipulation (Able/Unable)

Meta Probability Manipulation (Possible/Certain)

Meta Summoning/Meta Banishment (Come/Leave)

Meta Teleportation (Here/There)

Moral Manipulation (Moral/Immoral)

Oneiric Reality Manipulation (Dreams/Reality)

Paralysis Inducement (Motion/Stillness)

Phenomenon Manipulation (Science/Magic)

Physical Godhood (Wave/Particle)

Portal Creation (Connection/Separation)

Power Augmentation/Limitation Inducement (Strong/Weak)

Power Immunity (Susceptible/Immune)

Power Negation; can negate the powers of his enemies.

Reality Warping/Unreality Manipulation

Weakness: Can be countered by the infinite rotation, he needs to be by two objects like two doors to travel through dimensions


Unholy powers can harm him.

What powers he has no control over.



Dark arts

Symbol magic

Blood magic.

Why he has no control over them; due to his Nature and how he Is he's not been able to use the powers of Witchcraft and magic as it's something that is something he chose not to use which lead to him having no control and power over.

(he enhanced his body, with science allowing him, to swim in the ocean)

Limitations: he can't surpass Beings like Yahweh due to how he's the universe and everything beyond that and is vulnerable to Divine Power Negation Banishment and, Divine power absorption as he's also limited to some Dimensions)


Beast form

Hybrid form

Qilin form


Holy revolver.

Standname: D4C

Standname: D4C

Other stand names: dirty deeds done dirt cheep.
filthy acts for a reasonable price.
Amoral Acts at affordable cost Maximum kill 4 minimum bill Sadistic Services So Surprisingly economical Objectional Occurrences on special offer, A Series of Nefarious actions Executed for a price lower than would be expected in the market system . I Ain't gay but 20$ is 20$.

D4C Lovetrain

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