Villainous OC

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Name: Jurgen Stein

Gender; Male

Height: 15 feet tall

Weight: 890 pounds 

biology; Has the physiology of a bull at the same time the physical Speed and everything a bull has in physical abilities while also having the anatomy of a Catoblepas as his member is 3–4 cm in diameter and 80–100 cm in length at the sametime the power of typhon has different powers of monsters like a serpentine beast giving him the Anatomy of a serpent where he has two members along with poisonous blood.

Age: 19

Nationality; german 

Hito Hito No mi model: Typhon 

Species; Human

Personality: insane, Calm calculated snarky a prick fierce, isn't nice and an asshole(towards victims) Kind caring, and neutral(towards allies)

Powers and abilities

Catoblepas Physiology

Destroyer Deity Physiology: Has the power of a destroyer deity

Transcendent Dragon/Snake Physiology (Hideous lower serpent body)

bovine physiology 

Chimera physiology 

Supernatural condition 

Alpha Monster physiology

Beast Lord physiology

Alpha divine physiology

Beast Lordship: Has lordship over beast.

Genesis Blood

Supernatural Roar: his roar can make beings lower themselves he becomes weakened and in fear

Divine Lord Physiology

Alpha monster physiology: is an alpha monster.

Giant Monster Physiology: is a giant monster.

Monster Lordship: has lordship over monsters.

Mythical Beast Manipulation(he can summon and control mythical Beast)

Beast Master: A master of beasts.

Fear Aura: his aura can cause fear in anyone when it's released.

Greek Fire Manipulation

Lava Breath: he breathes out lava from his mouth.

Omnipoison: he has an omnipoison capable of killing anyone.

Disease Manipulation

Storm Embodiment (Storm giant and also a god of storms and windstorms)

Disaster Manipulation: he can manipulate disasters themselves.

Perfect Storm: he can create a perfect storm for destruction

Storm Manipulation: he can manipulate storms

Air Manipulation: he can manipulate the air itself

Thundercloud Manipulation: he can generate and manipulate thunderclouds.

Arm Expansion/Animal Emerging/Animal Limbs/Dragon Manipulation (Transmogrifies draconian coils out of his arms)

Leg Extension/Snake Den/Snake Manipulation

genius level intellect

Poisonous blood: his blood can kill anyone who consumes it.

Pestilence Manipulation: Can manipulate pestilence itself.

Fire manipulation: Can manipulate fire itself.

Pathogen manipulation: He can manipulate different pathogens

Intangibility; He can become Intangible gas allowing him to dodge any attack with ease

Oxygen manipulation: he can manipulate oxygen itself.

Nigh invulnerability

Mobile invulnerability; he's Invulnerable when mobile.

Scale manifestation: can create Scales on his skin for defense.

Resistance to Fire and the cold.

Disintegration: he can cause those to Disintegrate.

Rot manipulation: He can cause those to rot and die by physical touch if he chooses to. 

Elastic neck: His neck is elastic.

Killing eyes: He can Release a presence from his eyes causing those to Die.

petrification: he can turn anyone to stone.

weaponized tail: his tail is a weapon he can use for powerful strikes.

Immunity to viruses and diseases 

Accelerated Healing factor

Magnesium manipulation: Can manipulate magnesium itself.

Opportunity sense: Can sense opportunities in any situation

Dermal armor; His skin is like armor.

petrification breath; He breathes out a vapor that can turn anyone to stone.

 Night vision: he can see in the darkness.

Poison manipulation: He can manipulate and control Different forms of poison.

Periodic element creation: Can create any element with ease

Weaknesses; Is vulnerable to spiritual attacks.. 


Catoblepas Form

Minotaur form

Boar monster form

typhon form

Beast form



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