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Name: Jessica Folding
Nickname: Jess
Age: 17
Birthday: May 14th
Gender: female
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Jessica is a very open-minded girl. She is the person who will try to reach new heights and try new things. She loved socializing and often gets more business because of it. She is constantly smiling and having a good time. It all comes along with a very positive attitude. She is grateful for all that she has even if it isn't much. She isn't the smartest or most logical person not having the best education but she tries to be very sensible.
Likes: She loved photography and rainy days. She loves rain drops and the way the pitter patter against the roofs. She picked up a violin the other day and hasn't stopped playing since. She isn't very good at it yet having started only a year and a half ago but she is still trying to perfect her talents.
Dislikes: She doesn't like lightening which is strange because she likes rain so much. It's a love hate relationship. She isn't in favor for stick food either. So honey and Carmel are a definite no.
Fear: thunder and lighting.
Caste: 5
Province: Honduragua
Job: photographer
Backstory: she suffers the least out of all her family members from the pollution in her province. She had enjoyed life up until the selection having the typical crushed and flings here and there but now she wants something more permanent. Set in stone something or other.


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