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Role>> President

Name>> Clay Micheal Kennington

Nicknames>> None

Face Claim>> Ken Duken

Age>> 32 Years Old

Gender>> Male

Sexuality>> Straight

Personality>> Clay is see by many as slightly insane and very cruel, although this is just the surface. He tends to laugh randomly, and find humor in the most absurd things. He lacks control of temper (having never been taught it) and has little to none sympathy for others. He lacks the ability to feel- emotionally and physically. Not tethered down by this weakness, he prides his ability to be ruthless. The subject of Magic himself and the reason his brother is dead, he sees magic as evil. He is a very driven to exterminate all the magics. His intention, once they are all gone from this world, is to take himself out of it as well. He wants to rid the world of this evil- the evil of magic, and will stop at nothing to do so.

Family>> His Late Father, Kenny Kash Kennington (Had too much fun with that name) and his Late half-brother, Ben Kash Kennington. Clay never knew his mother. He and Ben were both results of one night stands, each by different mothers. Clay grew up with his father, who was often drunk and in a bad mood. His  brother Ben was 5 years younger than him. Although he has no idea, his mother was of Native American decent and his father was German.

Backstory>> Clay grew up with his father and brother. His father was commonly drunk, and spent all his money on alcohol. He despised his father, and looked after his brother as a child. As he grew up he began to notice that he was different. One day when he got into a huge fight with his brother, it got physical (they were never taught self control by anyone). He accidentally used the powers he didn't know he had, killing Ben. He never told his father what truly happened, although his father didn't seem to care much. The next year, his father died leaving him and his guilt to live on alone.

Abilities>> He Can drain the life force out of others, and control the dead.

Strengths>> Clay is very driven and shockingly smart. He has no emotion to tether him down and is rather strong in his powers. He's very trained in deception and the use of weapons.

Weaknesses>> Any mention of his past is a no-no. He lacks control of temper, which can get the best of him. Having no feeling, he's unable to feel close to anyone. His slight insanity is a threat to his rule and mission, so he is constantly fighting to keep it down. He considers himself and the magics a weakness to man-kind.

Fears>> He fears himself and other magics, being killed before he can complete his mission, leaving the world to the magics, dreaming of his brother, his own powers.

Passwords>> (Already Done But Willing To Do Again If Needed)

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