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Name>> Rose May Lapis
Name Meaning>> May (Emerald birthstone) Lapis (dark blue stone)
Nickname>> Golden Rose (Called by her parents) Rosie (by really close friends)
Age>> 17
Province>> Honduragua
Caste>> 4
Job>> She is to follow in her family's footsteps, and to join the jeweler's shop her family owns.
Powers>> Gemstone manipulation. Rose isn't as good at making gemstones move as she is sensing them nearby, and their worths. Because of this, putting her near gems when she is especially emotional or unstable isn't a good idea, as she isn't able to control her feelings. She is, overall, better at controlling her want for gems (she's had much practice at her family's jewelry store) but only when she has her lucky Emerald with her.
Personality>> Rose is the kind of girl that loves to laugh, and joke around. She's the kind of kid in class that might crack up over a joke in their head, and laugh their butt off while not caring everyone was watching them. Rose likes to think she is very confident in her own skin, and acts as much. In reality, however, she is very insecure. This is her weakness; so she hides it as best as she can. Rose can come across as silent, and sometimes prefers to be alone with her thoughts, rather than deal with the chaos of it all. Rose is tough, and will use this as a cover up for her insecurities when she feels threatened or in danger. She isn't naturally this way, but can be very emotionless and introverted when she feels tense or attacked. This came from childhood memories of being bullied- for being a "GoodfornothingGem-head" as well as her parents telling her to hide her nature, her powers. They are seen as unsightly, and would have her labeled in a moment as a thief.
Description>> Rose is of Native American heritage, back from the olden days. She has medium thick brown hair, that goes down to her waist. Her hair is a lighter brown, with coppery red hints in it. She is 5'3', slightly short for her age. Rose has white skin, but tans very easily on the sun, and rarely burns. She has high cheekbones, and small freckles across her face, but thin eyebrows. She has medium sized light brown eyes. Her ears are slightly too big, and this is a big insecurity of hers. She usually wear her hair down because of this. She has a rather athletic, narrow build, but does not have a flat stomach. This bothers her as well. She has a small ' T' for Theif branded into her skin by a merchant of whom she stole a gem from, when she was younger and couldn't control her powers as well. She always hides this with either long sleeves of a large strap bracelet
Strengths>> As said previously, Rose has learned to control her urges rather well, but only with her emerald necklace in hand. She is witty, and has a great sense of humor. She considers her wall of self protection her strength, and draws people in with her humor
Weaknesses>> Rose is very secretly insecure of herself, and always holds back a piece of herself because of this. She isn't super good at relationships, and finds it hard to know her own feelings. Rose is very fearful of using her powers, the T seared into her skin searing in memories of terror. She is especially weak for emeralds, however. Her birth month is May, the emerald gemstone.
Likes>> she likes gems, candy, laughing, jokes, apple cider, cheese, and the color blue
Dislikes>> Snakes, spiders, spinach, the word "mg-muffin", the color red, and bullies
Fears>> 1) Losing her Emerald Amulet Necklace
2) Losing her self control and stealing, getting caught
3) Fire, heat, and hot things
4) The rebels
Skeletons>> May I pm you? I'm not sure if you'll like what it is, or want it to change.

<<I will not be all knowing
And eulb>>

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