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Name|| Zakia May Jens

Nickname|| "Miss Rose" (Only by close friends)

Age|| She's 17

Gender|| Female

House|| Ravenclaw

Face claim|| See Picture

Personality|| Zakia does hold true to the Ravenclaw stereotype. She is smart. She's very smart, and gets impeccable grades. But..there's more to her then that. Her witt almost overcomes her, at times. She is rebellious, and loud, somewhat over-shelf confident. She is scarily good at deception, as well as acting...despite all this, she has a good interest of heart, and isn't easily tempted the wrong way...although she is driven by a thirst for knowledge, much as a Slytherin to power.

Likes|| Conversation, bantering, being awed or considered witty

Dislikes|| Feeling dumb. Not knowing something, being out of attention

Why they joined|| To become smarter, more experienced, and to run a shot at it...the statistics said her chances were 1 in 123.00004 when she entered.

Patronus|| Red Tailed Fox

Other|| always carries a small gold necklace from her mother

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