𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔦𝔯𝔩 𝔴𝔥𝔬 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔩𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔰...

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˚*•̩̩͙•̩̩͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙  *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙˚*•̩̩͙•̩̩͙

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kiara vespera







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kim yerim


kiara is a woman not defined by words, but rather by actions. she flits around much like a butterfly through the vast plane called life, leaving no stone unturned in her wake. never one to rest for a second kiara thirsts for a new adventure at every turn, for an unknown she wishes to make known to herself alone. the rush of adrenaline that flows through her veins and set her heart ablaze is truly one of her favorite sensations, and her entire life has been spent chasing that oh-so-specific burn. she's as untethered as the clouds that haze in the dusk's light, ready for a world of stars to swallow her whole when one day she returns to the earth from whence she came. she lives each day as if it may be her last, making each stolen breath and sleight of hand count. this, however, makes her reckless. she'll do just about anything to chase her next high, to fuel herself with the endorphins that cloud her mind and hamper her judgment to the point those who care for her begin to worry. however, she's never really been one to heed words of wisdom. she's not one that can be tied down to any one thing, and she'd die before she ever settled down into complacency. her spirit is restless, her soul ever hungering for more. nothing has been able to sate kiara's thirst for life, and as time wears on she highly doubts anything will. she's done just about everything short of opening pandora's box at this point...figuratively speaking of course. and if her actions didn't speak for her enough, her imagination fills in any gaps there may be. there is entire worlds behind her eyelids that others aren't privy to, that she relys on when the sun dims and the stars lose their twinkle. she's a cup with no bottom, endlessly filling but never quite full enough.

kiara is also known to be a rather...stubborn individual at just about every occasion. to herself, kiara would consider this trait as a testament to her own strong will and innate confidence in herself and her decision-making. to others...it's her way or the highway paved with her impulsivity. she could be a team player if she really applied herself to the concept...but then again, she has no reason to be if her ideas are the best to begin with. this mindset has definitely got her into a couple of fights here and there, and she doesn't exactly splice her words when she speaks so she can often come off more rude than she intends. she's well meaning, truly. it's just...she's just never found a need to flower her words and make herself out to be someone she's not. she's a very passionate woman, and that translates into how she interacts with others. every word kiara speaks is straight from her heart, no filter needed...whether those words land with others is their own prerogative and none of her concern. if she starts fights, she knows how to finish them, simple as that.

she's not completely blind to others reactions though; she's from atrytone after all. reading body language is almost second nature to her, about as easy as breathing. her intuition is also something she heavily relies on, as most things she believes true come to pass sooner or later. it's one of the many reasons she's so confident in herself and so difficult to work with at times; she's so stuck to her own beliefs that she becomes blind to others. if she finds you agreeable however, you'll never find a friend more loyal than kiara. once that bond has been created, there's not much anyone can do to break it; she'd follow those she loved to the ends of the earth if they asked it of her. that is...if anyone can get close enough to her to do so. genuine connections are few and far between for this force of nature, and make her almost...skittish. but for all the trouble she's worth, life around kiara will certainly never be boring.


kiara was born iliana and thomas vesper, a humble family who made their living by running a bustling restaurant in one of the poorer corners of atrytone. she was the third child out of five that would be birthed into the vesper family, and the only girl besides her youngest sister nasia. being the middle child of a very busy family didn't warrant much time to be spared for kiara by her parents, who instead enlisted the help of her older brothers to help rear the children they had. she wasn't neglected in any sense, more so...overlooked. there was only so much time in the day after all, and so many mouths to feed and children to care for. as long as there was food in her belly and a roof over her head, her parents fancied themselves to be great parents. they delegated time to her other four siblings but for kiara...well, for as bright as she was everywhere else, she was but a spark within the walls of her home. her brothers did their best, but they too were children and bound to make mistakes. so when their backs were turned, kiara simply...slipped away from it all. if she was going to cause trouble, she'd have much rather done so away from her family, away from the stifling air that drained every ounce of energy from her body. even from a tender age kiara's mind had always been alight with grand notions, the flames of which were fanned every time she settled fountain side to hear another grand tale being spun by one of atrytone's many storytellers. they urged her to reach for the stars, and as the sun peeked over the horizon as she trekked home, kiara reached out a small hand and swiped at the dawn to catch the twinkling specters as they bled into the morning sky. hoping so desperately to one day be able to swipe the very stars out of the sky. she wanted there to be something more to life, more to the monotony of her day-to-day existence. so when the walls of atrytone had eventually become a cage, and she'd grown enough to do so, kiara ventured out. for days on end, she'd trek with nothing but the clothes on her back and a charismatic smile, chasing after a specter of a life she wasn't sure even existed. she'd return from these trips battered, but with a sense of fulfillment she never got anywhere else. in the dead of night when the stars shone their brightest kiara spun tales of her own adventures for her younger siblings, watching the stars catch in their eyes and hoping she too could be a force that drove them to want more. she may not have had much in this life, but she wouldn't let that hold her back. she'd find her own happiness in life, on her own.

and then she was gifted.

suddenly, those outlandish dreams weren't so impossible after all. not with eos herself backing her. now the stars held a new meaning, became tools to further her adventures, and finally brought kiara a life she'd longed for since she was small. people began to take notice of her, her parents magically had time to spare for their gifted daughter. but just as her patron goddess' story plays, kiara hungered for...more.








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𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 𝔬𝔫 𝔯𝔬𝔶𝔞𝔩𝔰

kiara has always been curious of the royal family, and as such they've been a topic of interest to her for quite some time. she didn't grow up any sort of wealthy, so she's expecting a bit of culture shock when she enters troi. while she has no specific opinion on any one member of the family, she's eager to find out how royal life truly is from her own perspective. the curse also piques her interest...but she'll cross that bridge when she gets to it.

𝔴𝔥𝔶 𝔰𝔥𝔢 𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢

for the thrill of it, to put it simply. to check another thing off her ever-growing bucket list and add another tale to her roster. she's not the sort to believe there's anyone out there who could tolerate her other than herself, but perhaps she could be proved wrong here. the only way to find out is to go.

𝔴𝔥𝔶 𝔰𝔥𝔢 𝔴𝔞𝔰 𝔟𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔡

one fateful night after a trek through a woodland field, a seventeen-year-old kiara began to set up camp beside a lake, marveling at the warm temperature in comparison to previous winters atrytone had braved before. there was no snow melting into her clothes, no frigid winds to tear at her coat and whip around her tent. night had just begun to fall, and the dusk was quiet...almost scarily so. no animals scurrying around, no birds calling out in vain for the sun to return. it was just her and the stars winking back to her as the sun made its retreat behind the horizon. on a whim, kiara had decided to chase after the sun as it fled, carefully treading across the lake she walked on time and time again to avoid the shadows falling across her form. the lake was always frozen solid around this time of year, and she'd walked across it countless times. she'd made it about halfway across the lake before her stomach sank, and it was all she could do to cry out as the ice shattered beneath her and the inky depths swallowed her whole. and as much as she kicked and fought against the current, the sharp chill of the water had sucked every ounce of strength from her limbs, and she spiraled far beneath the ice. in a stupor, she raised her arm towards the skies, to the stars that taunted her as the air was wrenched from her lungs. warm tears were lost to the lake's depth as the girl cried over a life not yet lived. she had so much more to do, she couldn't just...die. as the edges of her vision grew dark, kiara's spirit still refused to go, pleading with herself to not lose herself so. then a soft hand as warm as summer grasped her wrist and vigor like nothing else shot through her veins. propelling herself out of the water, kiara threw herself from the lake, collapsing into the mud in a sopping mess. molten gold soothed back her matted hair as kiara cried into the lap of the goddess who'd taken pity on a soul that resembled hers so; eos. bending down, the goddess laid a single kiss on the girl's forehead and breathed a blessing into her skin. "take this," the goddess hummed, "and pull from the sky all of which you dreamed of. the constellations are at your beck and call if ever you need them to be for as long as they hang. may your hungry spirit venture on, my little star.". and with those words, the goddess was gone.


⋆constellation manipulation⋆

kiara is able to pluck either an object or animal from the stars when night falls. she is limited to one item per night, and they vanish back into the sky when dawn breaks. she most commonly calls on leo's lion to act as a companion on lonelier nights, but has been known to summon lyra's lyre and orion's bow as well.

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⋆dawn version⋆

⋆dusk version⋆


kiara's mbti is estp-a, her zodiac sign is gemini, and her blood type is b !

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