Camp Camp OC

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Name: Viktor
Gender: Male
Race: Russian
Camp signed up for: cooking camp
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crush: Harrison or Nerris

Personality: He is a cold boy whom is shown to only be kind to people he if close to like his sister or some other kids.
Likes: Vodka,Russia,His sister,German Chocolate,Knives, succeeding, Dog leash soup, Cussing in Russian.
Dislikes: Max at times, American Chocolate, People taking his knives and Vodka, Failing, Planes( Thinks their war vehicles)
Backstory: He was born and raised in Soviet Russia with his older sister Vera. He went to the camp with her on the Foreigner episode to help make Russia great again. Now he basically lives at the camp.


His sister is Vera

He can speak Russian perfectly and uses it to cuss people out

He will say this alot

"Soviet Russia thanks you"

Somehow gets Vodka

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