Pokemon Oc

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Pokemon: Lampet and Kirlia hybrid called Lirlia
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Looks: First Stage

Second Stage( Current)

Last Stage:

Personality:She is kinda shy and will almost always look at the ground afraid to break her face but she can be a kind Pokemon

Likes: Berries,Coals,Souls and ....Candy
Dislikes:Water,Her face being broken,Her older brother Angry
Fears: Dying and losing her brother
Riptide(A Gallade and Empoleon hybrid her brother)

Crush: Open
Backstory: She was made in a lab to create new types of pokemon. It was alright there but one day she saw the professors there kill another pokemon so her and her brother ran off.

Pokemon:Emplade(A Gallade and Empoleon hybrid her brother)
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: A over cheerful guy who tries to make friends and take care of his little sister.
Likes:Water, Berries, Sister, Friends
Dislikes: Sister hurt, Darkness and Mango berries (Allergic)
Fears: Darkness killing him
Family: Demise(Lampet and Kirlia hybrid called Lirlia)
Backstory:He was made in the same Lab as Demise and basically adopted her as his sister. He was also there to see the Professors kill a Pokemon so both ran away.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro
