Street Punk Oc

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Name: Lucas Lester
Sexuality: Bisexual
Crush: Ghost
Species: Spotted Hyena

Personality: He is a fair guy,You mess with him he'll bite your hand off. If you get on his good side he'll be as nice as he can..
Likes:Free style dancing,Rain, Being alone at times,
Dislikes: Classic Dancing, Thunder storms, Humans,Loud sounds
Family: Erin Lester( Deceased Father figure)
He was made in a war facility and was going to be raised as a living weapon ,he was given to a soldier to be trained. That soldier was Erin Lester, instead of being cruel and hurtful to the Hyena,he was kind and promised to never hurt him and because of that Lucas saw Erin as a father figure. Both soon became friends and always looked out for each other but one day when Lucas was 15 , someone ' accidentally' shot Eric and he died on the spot. Later on in the day a younger soldier Said that Erin died because he was a weakling, Lucas got any at his and attacked him and soon he ran away,Out of grief Lucas adopted Erin's last name as a reminder of what happened to him.
Weapon: A pistol
Voice:Dabi MHA

Wears this around his neck

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