Paragon Ranger

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[A/N: This oc is an improved version of my Rainboe Ranger oc, Okuyasu Senki, made for JeymisPeixoto as i was not fully satisfied with it anymore]

[Inspired by Freelancer1337 ]

[Part of the backstory was made by Cherry_R0se ]

Real Name: Lucas D Marvelous

Age: Late Teens

Species: Empowered Human

Adopted Mothers: Kurenai and Anko Marvelous


Hero Name: Paragon Ranger

Primary Form and Weapon:

(Ignore Saber’s Driver and Zenkaizer’s Book)

(Instead his buckle is the Master Morpher)

. The sword is named Paragon Sword

. With Paragon Sword, Paragon Ranger is able to copy the Unite Morphs from Wonderful 101

Morpher: Master Morpher

Backstory: When a version of Lord Drakkon started hunting down the Morphin Grid masters and the Spirit Sentai Akarangers (fan name for Aka Red’s team as we know his blue i named Aka Blue), they decided to do a risky manouver to keep their power safe. They infused all their powers and memories in the remainings of Tommy Oliver’s broken Master Morpher and sent it to another world, in a different multiverse, in hope for someone worthy to find this power. In said multiverse, lived an autistic boy called Lucas D Marvelous, who after having his abusive parents arrested, wad adopted by a lesbian couple formed by Kurenai and Anko Marvelous. One day, Lucas saw a meteorite fall on his backyard and went to check it, finding the Master Morpher, as he touched it, memories of the Grid Masters and Akarangers flooded his mind as the legend of the Paragon Ranger was about to beggin.


Superhuman strength

Superhuman durability

Superhuman speed

Superhuman agility

Superhuman intelligence

Superhuman reaction time

Superhuman reflexes

Morphin Grid Connection




Can summon any ranger weapon or megazord weapon

Can create Senrtries of any ranger without needing their morphers

Can transform into any ranger, including sentai exclusives; dark rangers and so on

. Unlike the Super Megaforce team, he can access battlizers and his powers are boosted versions of the forms he takes.

Can use magic, force symbols, ninjutsu, the Dino Gems powers and other similar powers while unmorphed

Elemental Powers: Fire, Earth, Ice, Wood, Thunder, Metal, Wind, Water, Light, Darkness

Unite Morphs:

-Unite Hand: When the player draws an '0' shape with the Wonder-Liner, Wonder-Red assembles his teammates into a gigantic fist with thrusters on the back of it. This hand can be used to pummel enemies into oblivion, turn knobs, extend grabbing range, and absorb fire for a boost in power.

-Unite Sword: When the player draws an 'I' shape with the Wonder-Liner, Wonder-Blue assembles his teammates into a gigantic sword. This sword can be swung around to damage enemies, inserted into locks to open doors like a key, and absorb lightning to enhance its strength.

-Unite Gun: When the player draws an 'L' shape with the Wonder-Liner, Wonder-Green assembles his teammates into a gigantic gun, with each bullet that is fired also using up one person. This gun can also pick things up with its muzzle and fire them back out at opponents.

>Unite Launcher: One of Unite Gun's unlockable higher forms. Morphs Unite Green's team mates into a large rocket launcher that fires rapid shots.

>Unite Cannon: One of Unite Gun's unlockable higher forms. Morphs Unite Green's team mates into a large cannon. It is slow, but packs immense firepower.

-Unite Whip: When the player draws an 'S' shape with the Wonder-Liner, Wonder-Pink assembles her teammates together into a massive whip covered in spikes. Its spiked surface with a claw on the end makes it the perfect weapon to deal with anything covered in spikes, stripping away spiky armor, spiky walls, etc. It can also be used to grab enemies/ objects and throw them back, or swing across gaps.

-Unite Hammer: When the player draws a line with a circle on the end of it (somewhat like a question mark) with the Wonder-Liner, Wonder-Yellow assembles his teammates into a gigantic hammer with thrusters on the back of it. This hammer is easily the most powerful weapon on the team, as it can smash through armor and barriers that the other members couldn't hope to damage. It can also be used like an umbrella, protecting the user from attacks from above, and enable the user to stay down under water due to its sheer weight.

-Unite Claw: When the player draws a 'Z' shape with the Wonder-Liner, Wonder-White assembles his teammates into a gigantic pair of claws. These claws can attack in rapid succession, and by default have ice-powers to freeze and slow down enemies. They can also be used to pry open certain kinds of doors and climb up walls.

-Unite Bomb: When the player draws an '0' shape with the Wonder-Liner, Wonder-Black assembles his team mates into a massive bomb. Throwing this bomb will create a supermassive explosion, slowing down anything within its radius as well as doing heavy damage. Whenever obstacles are moving too fast, Wonder-Black can use this to slow them down and allow the team to progress.

-Unite Copy: This ability is not given an official name, but Prince Vorkken has shown the power to mimic things via Unify Morph, which could be one way as to how he got several of the same Unite Morphs used by the Wonderful 100.

-Unite Monster: This ability is not given an official name, but Prince Vorkkern has shown the power to morph into various Space Beasts that the GEATHJERK captured and assimilated into their army, such as the Ankho, the Orgon, the Hah-Gonay, and many more. He also seems to be capable of morphing him and his team into specific parts of the beasts, as shown in his introduction where he assaults the Wonderful 100 with the Ankho's chainsaw blade, although this could just be another variant of his Unify Sword.

-Unite Boomerang: Vorkken signature Unify Morph. Morphs his team into a gigantic telepathically-guided boomerang that

-Unite Naginenta: Unify Naginata is accessed by drawing a straight line (much like Unite Sword), but pausing in the middle of the formation. Unify Naginata does little in terms of raw damage, but is one of the fastest attacking morphs in the game. Its main strength is the ability to reflect projectiles that not even Unite Guts is capable of defending against.

-Unite Bowgun:Unite Bowgun is accessed by drawing a heart. Essentially the ranged counterpart of Unite Hand, Unite Bowgun has nothing truly spectacular aside from range, but the arrows fired from it have the ability to immobilize and charm enemies. If the enemies are defeated after being hit by the Unite Bowgun, they explode.

-Unite Drill: Unite Drill is accessed by drawing a spiral. Unite Drill's normal attack isn't much (it can't even combo), if the drill hits an enemy, the player can hammer the attack button to rev up the drill, causing steady damage for as long as the button is repeatedly pushed. However, Unite Drill lacks the guard-breaking abilities of Unite Hammer, despite being a drill. Unite Drill is risky, but a good choice for someone looking for a challenge.

-Unite Goggles: This Morph creates a goggles-mounted helmet that fires a powerful laser beam across the screen. Unite Goggles is difficult to control, but careful aiming can yield massive damage against any enemy.

-Unite Camp: The user assembles their team together to morph into a large tent. This gives extra energy to the Unite Gauge, temporarily allowing for them to put more energy into their Unite Morphs.

-Unite Rocket: The user assembles their team together to morph into a rocket, which shoots straight upward, reaching great heights.

-Unite Ladder: The user lines up their team mates on the side of a wall, morphing them into a ladder for the user to climb up.

-Unite Chain: Same as Unite Ladder, but for making bridges.

-Unite Ball: Assembles the user and their team into a large ball, which can roll around to evade attacks.

-Unite Guts: Assembles the user and their team into a giant plate of gelatin. Protects from enemy attacks and deflects them. Can be upgraded to Unite Spikes, which makes spikes rapidly extend out of the gelatin to damage any nearby enemies.

-Unite Glider: Assembles the user's team into

-Unite Spring: Assembles the user and their team into a massive spring, which can leap to the left or the right in rapid fashion.

-Unite Tombstone: Accessed by pressing ZL and ZR together, Unite Tombstone combines the heroes into a massive tombstone that comes crashing dowm to the ground, damaging nearby enemies. It is best used while in the air, which lets it crash down on enemies underneath.

|Team: A set of robotic Ranger Sentries, which unlike Lord Drakkon’s, Lucas’s Sentries are actually as strong as an actual ranger from a mid-to-strong team like In Space. They can be summoned at any time.

Personal Battlizer: General Sunny Mode

Battlizer Powers:

Bio Elastic Manipulation (Gum Gum)

Supernatural Katana Proficiency/Sword Clones

Weather Soul Creation

Sniper Lock On/ Plant Manipulation

Power Legs

Reindeer Transformations

Appendage Manifestation (Flower Flower)

Cybernetic manifestation 

Soul Music (Soul Soul)

Hydrokinetic Combat

Fire Mimicry (Flame Flame)

Dual Wielding Discs

Elemental Rabbit Physiology

Mythic Physiology (Dog-Dog, Model: Okuchi-no-Makami)

Magnetic Concentration (Magnet-Magnet)

Dual Scythe

Esoteric Space Manipulation (Op-Op)

Age Manipulation (Age-Age)

Fortress Mimicry (Castle-Castle)

Personal Phantasm (Hollow-Hollow)

Repulsive Interaction (Paw-Paw)

Testosterone Manipulation (Horm-Horm)

Vibration Emission (Rumble Rumble)

Shield Construction (Bari-Bari)

Cloth Transmutation (Garb Garb)

Image Summon (Brush Brush)

Volumenkinetic Combat (Scroll Scroll)

Dragon Morphing (Fish-Fish, Azure Dragon)

Sword Arts (Akazaya 9)

Petrification (Love-Love)

Invisibility (Clear-Clear)

Silent Manipulation (Calm-Calm)

Thread Manipulation (Stitch-Stitch)

Coil Jump (Spring-Spring)

Body Part Relocation (Chop-Chop)

Wax Constructs (Wax-Wax)

Shapeshifting (Clone-Clone)

Sword Mimicry (Dice Dice)

Frictionless Skin (Slip Slip)

Falcon Physiology (Bird-Bird, Model: Falcon)

Giraffe Physiology (Ox-Ox Giraffe Model)

Allosaurus Physiology (Dragon-Dragon, Model: Allosaurus)

Phoenix Physiology (Bird-Bird, Model: Phoenix)

Ice Mimicry (Ice Ice)

Gravity Manipulation (Push Push)

Smoke Mimicry (Plume Plume)

Sand Mimicry (Sand Sand)

Ink Generation

Enhanced Throwing

Absolute Sabre Proficiency

Mochi Manipulation (Mochi Mochi)

Darkness Mimicry/Negation Touch ( Dark Dark)

Personal Zords: Rhyno Thunder Zords

Megazord: Maxitron Megazord


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