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Name: Ultraman.ExE

Partner/person who requested it: JeymisPeixoto



Ultra Physiology, Water Manipulation, Limited Memory Manipulation (Erased Hayata's memory after parting with him), Can nullify barriers and forcefields, Can fire off his slash discs in rapid succession and have them home in on enemies, Energy Projection (Has numerous weapons such as a Spacium beam, Ultra-attack ray, etc). Paralysis Inducement, Resistance to Fire, Reality Warping and Spatial Manipulation (Bounced back Bullton's reality and spatial warping towards itself), Electricity, and Chemical Weathering

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 2), Data Manipulation, Hacking, Expert Marksman, Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Shown punching out Gutsman in his first appearance), Acrobatics, Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Perception (He can sense malice, powers levels, and aura), Dark Power (Which allows him to attack and destroy the soul), Stealth Mastery (He snuck past a large number of mafia navis without being spotted), Information Analysis (as a netnavi, he's able to analyze computer data. he can analyze opponents and see their name, type, and strongest chip), Tremendous Computer Memory Capacity (Used to store his human DNA and allows him to forcibly assimilate other Data Beings), Regeneration (At least High-Mid. Managed to pull himself back together a few minutes after overloading and being reduced to bits of data that were scattered across the Cyber World), Immortality (Type 3), Ultimate Program (Grants access to most of his transformation abilities and is more adaptable than most other Navis), Limited Power Mimicry (If MegaMan's soul communes with another person's soul, he can get a double soul transformation, which allows him to use their powers), Can transform and modify his body via Battle Chips and certain power-ups like Double Soul, Fusionism, Limited Reactive Evolution (Netnavis evolve and gain new abilities based on how their operators fight), Precognition (When MegaMan uses Full Synchro he has the ability to sense whenever an opponent is about to attack), Astral Projection, Automatic Translation (He has a translation program that automatically allows him to understand other languages), Size Manipulation (He can shrink himself with the Compress Program), Time Manipulation and Sealing (The Giga Freeze program allows MegaMan to trap opponents in a permanent stasis), Resistance to the following: Soul and Mind Manipulation (Has resisted the temptation of Nebula Grey), Corruption (Type 2, he broke out of the Dark Chip's influence which corrupts the soul and the mind of the user), Ice Manipulation (Can break out of being frozen), Radiation Manipulation(He survived the gospel Server's radiation which was releasing nearly 30000 times the amount of lethal radiation), Time Manipulation and Sealing (He could hold the Giga Freeze Program without freezing. He should be comparable to bass who was unaffected by the Giga Freeze Program)

Additional abilities such as Flight with Battle Chips and Programs, Possible Time Stop with Mega and Giga Class chips, Summoning via Mega Chips, Giga Chips, and Program Advances, Can terraform the surrounding environment into an ocean, grassland, desert, or volcanic region with Battle Chips. Weapon Creation, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Metal Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Sand Manipulation, Magma Manipulation, Shockwave Generation, Spatial Manipulation (Can lock down the space around opponents with Area Steal), Invisibility and Intangibility (Can become invisible and intangible for a few seconds with Invis), Telekinesis, Light Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement (He can inflict many different status effects such as paralysis, freezing, confusion, and blinding), Defensive Aura, Power Nullification (He can remove the opponent's ability with Uninstall. He can also nullify forcefields and healing), Damage Reduction (He can halve damage he takes by standing on Holy Panels), Damage Boost (He can boost the damage of his next battle chip when using Attack +), Transmutation(Can turn objects on the battlefield into soldiers to assist him in battle), Life Force Absorption, Weather Manipulation (He can create small rain cloud with Medcloud) Teleportation, Homing Attack, Poison Manipulation (He can summon statues that blow poisonous gas that slowly drain's the opponent's health), Statistics Amplification (He can increase the strength and firing speed of his buster with Buster Up), Duplication, Damage Transferal (Can transfer damage between two opponents with Copy Damage), Gravity Manipulation, Black Hole Creation, Attack Reflection, Forcefield Creation, Explosion Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Healing, Various Elemental Powers and supplementary abilities in Bass Cross. Limited Death Manipulation (Erase Cross allows Mega Man to induce instant death to weaker opponents), Flight, Air Manipulation, and Feather Projectiles in Falzar form, Fire Breath and Improved defenses in Gregar form, Improved close-combat ability with claws, Massively increased buster speed in Beast Out (Gregar Beast Out's buster is comparable to a Gatling gun in rate of fire compared to base with Falzar Beast Out's only just behind), Berserk Mode(When activating Beast Over or Dark Invis he goes into a berserk state where he randomly moves around the battlefield and fires battle chips), Holy Manipulation( The Sol Cross transformation allows him to manipulate sunlight to purify and nullify the powers of dark beings), Resistance to Extreme Heat while using fire transformations (Fire navis can stand on magma panels without being burned)



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