Alice Jane Barrow

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|House| Barrow
|Name| Alice Jane Barrow
|Nicknames| Miss Alice, Mistress, Young Lady, young mistress, etc.
Eventually, I want someone, and only one person to call her Ally.
|Ability| Weather Manipulation.
Her abilities are based off of emotions. So she can't just be like, 'I want the sky to be sunny!' *BAM*
It depends on her mood. If she's sad, and tries to use her ability it's just going to be over cast. So in other words if she has a specific need for the sky to be perfectly clear or something, she has to be in a good mood or happy about something.
|Sexuality| Bisexual :)
|Age| 20
|Face Claim| Loren Gray

|Personality| Alice isn't a bad person, however she's willing to do whatever it takes to get what the wants, in every area of her life. She's very close with her mother and would do anything for her out of loyalty, and that loyalty comes into play when it comes to people she cares about as well. She comes off as very cold, and will have a heartless B face on all the time however despite this she feels things very deeply, though she'll never show that to anyone. She's gone through a lot in her life, and has learned how to ignore her conscious. So don't get on her bad side, or she will make you regret it.
She does a complete one 180° when the royals show up and is much more lighthearted, easy going, and fun to be around, (that's partly because she's known them for a long time) which ironically is much more like her real self. To everyone else it looks like she's being a two-faced snake, and only getting on an act for the royals when in reality, the act is for the rest of the girls. She does things like bully, sabotage, and treat people like she's better then them for multiple reasons. The first being to distance herself from getting attached, and the rest can't yet be revealed.
She's been grooming to be the queen her whole life, and is very talented in many many things. She's not book smart in the slightest, but she knows how the world works, and how to make it work for her.
She's very superficial and will drown herself in expensive things.

She's a jack of all trades, and is just naturally good at everything she tries, but this can commonly give people even more of a reason to hate her.
She's really street smart and can figure out solutions nobody would have thought of.
Despite being street smart, if you ask her what 2 x 12 is, she probably either wouldn't be able to answer, change the subject, or take a solid minute or two to figure it out.
Also, because of an incident in her past, she seems to have a bit of trauma and is afraid of commitment and opening-up to people. She doesn't really believe in the concept of forever love and marriage and finds it hard to imagine ever trusting herself to one person.
She has an extremely sensitive stomach and will vomit at the smallest things, any sort of missing body part on anything, any blood, anything detached, any meat, and death, anything like that she'll seriously either faint or throw up.
Which is ironic, because as a kid she wanted to be a doctor, but she developed this fear of death and gore later on in her life.
She's also extremely selfish, greedy, and clingy as well.

|Thoughts on the selection|
She absolutely despise the idea. Her whole life she's been counting on having a chance to become Queen, but now her birth right has been stolen from her by a bunch of Reds.

|Favorite Place In The Palace|
Definitely the Gardens! It's her favorite place in the world. She's a sucker for anything beautiful and will often take countless strolls throughout the day to look at the flowers and the fountains.

Father: Deceased
Mother: Rosalina Barrow,
Siblings: Three younger brothers, Michel(13) Noah (12) and Sabastian (7)
Her current talents consist of:
Playing the Piano, Violin, and Flute, Painting, public speaking, singing, horseback riding, archery, gardening, sewing, and much more.
She's has a per poodle named Derk, but she left him at home.
Also I'm seriously going to be making outfit collages for her all the time.


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