Charlotte Adela Bean (Selection)

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|Full Name|
Charlotte Adela Bean
Charlie, Lottie, Cher, Cher-bear but that's cringe
|Face Claim|
Aiyana Lewis

|Favorite Activities|

- reading! She could spend all day in the library lost in the many different worlds that it offers
- dancing! Its not an official hobby, but she's quite good at it, and it shows her truest and freest form.
- Watching scary movies and reading scary books! She's quite the junky for thrill.

- Anything and anyone she finds freeing
- scary things
- Rollercoaster
- Mystery

- locked doors
-eyes on her
-public humiliation
- Vanilla flavored anything
- being pressured
- Not feeling like she's enough

|Favorite Color|
She has many. Mainly soft yellow, dark blue, and ivory.

She's a 6. So the fact that she was even selected is a miracle, but she suspects that because of her caste she'll be one of the first ones gone.
While she's a 6 and has spent most of her life as a servant, she's exceptionally good at dancing however and hopes to marry a 5 so that she could pursue a career in what she's good at.

Zuni! A very small Country, comfortable, but a cage of it's own to Charlotte.

|Thoughts On The Selection|
She most definitely believes that it's rigged. If there's one thing about Charlotte you should know it's that she's very observant and has a wild imagination. A combination for some epic conspiracy theories.
Aside from that however, she wishes she could find love. Aside from feeling free, her other live desire is to be cherished, purely, deeply. However she doesn't have very high hopes, since she figures she's the last person that they'd want as queen, after all she's grossly unqualified.

|Personality (wasn't included on the form but Ima add it so you now what kind of person Ms. Bean is)|

Charlotte is a quiet and generally shy.
She mostly lurks in the back and people don't notice her very often, she'll say that's how she prefers it, but it's an utter lie.
She'll actually lie quite often, but it's never to try to deceive others or trick them, it's really just to deflect attention from herself.
She hasn't really gotten out of her province much, and there's a lot in the world she hasn't experienced. She dreams of adventure and freedom in it's purest form, without restrictions. Some believe being rich means being free, but Charlotte doesn't see it that way. In fact she sees it as more of a cage.
She's a huge lover of all things scary and supernatural despite her gentle and airy atmosphere. She comes off as simply a shy and reserved girl, but there's a wild child down there that just wants a thrill. She loves anything new and is very passionate.
She spends hours in the library whenever she's not working, and actually, her work faulters because of it.
She's never on time and always has her head in the books, but she can't help but dream of being a heroine of her own story, rather than just a common person who's no one special and hides in the shadows. She's very much a hopeless romantic as well as a sucker for drama and a good story. She never wants to be the center of it, ohoho no. She's too afraid of being hurt. Or what would happen if it didn't work out the way it does in the books. She wants to take that leap of faith, but she has yet too. She wishes she could be one of those people in books or movies that are effortlessly brave, but there's just so much that holds her back, and it's herself.
Just imagine how she'd change the world if only she'd let go.


Hehe here's my baby. Please be nice to her. She's going after the oldest I hope you know XD


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