Jamie Pine

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Name: Jamie Pine

Nickname: Some people (Mainly her siblings) call her Mimi.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Species: Human.

Hair: Dark Brown and long, very long.

Eyes: Brown but they light up when she's happy (which is pretty often) and kind of lose their shine when she's not.

Skin: Tan ish.

Body Type: Pretty slender I guess?

Distinguishing Features: Honestly just her smile, people love to be around her because she's always laughing. And, she's really short.

Preferred Clothing Style: Comfy and cute! This girl is all about the big sweatshirts and bunny slippers, however, if the time to relax is over she might wear skinny jeans instead of sleep shorts, but the oversized hoody stays. (Unless it's like 1000 degrees out side, in that case, she'll just wear a tank/crop and shorts, make no mistake, she HATES the heat.)

FaceClaim: I have no idea what her last name (Her first is Yasmin) I just follow her on Instagram @ amneeria

Personality Overview: Jamie is like your daily ray of adorable, she's very short and cute and is always laughing or smiling (more or less)! She's very extraverted and charismatic and to her, everything is a game. It doesn't matter if she's kidnapped, Ill, or like being threatened and on the brink of death, you get it: The toughest situations don't break her, and actually smiling is her way of staying strong. If she's kidnapped or held hostage her way of coping would be to "Turn It Into A Game", for example: who can find an escape route the fastest, or who can keep the secret the longest, or parkour to that super high window: winner gets to live! It's her way of chasing away the fear, because if she looks at it like its a game then suddenly to her it's not so scary, it's not real. But, once the situation is over, you bet your potato chips she's going to come back to reality and cry herself to sleep for weeks. She puts on a front, and to many she looks like she doesn't have a care in the world, but in reality she's just a scared girl who misses her home.

Likes: ANYTHING cute, bright, fluffy, yoga, smoothies, beds, naps, being well rested, oh did I mention she likes sleeping?

Dislikes: Bad situations, guns (though she's a very good aim), classical anything, her mom, THE HEAT.

Strengths: Strong, lively and bright, good to talk to, fun, good aim, persuasive.

Weaknesses: Naive, Untrusting, kind of always have to have an eye kept on her, always late (cause she be sleeping), never serious.

Fears/Phobias: Nothing and Everything all at the same time.

Hobbies/Skills: Well she likes a lot of high energy sports, but she also likes sleeping too (and being lazy, lol it just depends on her mood), writing, playing guitar, and cooking.


Parent's Names: Amelia and Jameson (Yes, she was named after her dad) Pine.

Relationship With Parents: Her relationship with her mother is mainly nonexistent, what she remembers of her was nothing but stress. Her father on the other hand is her protector, she is a hardcore daddy's girl and lets just say it's extreme.

Siblings Names: Billie (Female) Jay (Female) Charlie (Male).

Relationship With Siblings: With Billie her relationship is complicated, Billie being the oldest has the most memories of their mother and has a kind of hatred or spite inside of her for what she did to them, and unfortunately still carries it to this day. Jay is the second oldest and is kind of love crazy, its all she talks about, all she wants, all she- quite frankly- cares about-- and because of this her and Jamie don't really have a bond or anything that keeps them close. Charlie however is the youngest and the closest to Jamie, they are very close and actually best friends. They have a lot in common and Jamie really loves and babies Charlie.

Significant Other/Crush: None (yet >:) )

Enemies: Soon to come Im sure.

Why: ^

Status: Alive?????????


Childhood: It was her birthday and her mother promised to take her to the amusement park. Her and her mother always played games together, so when her mother randomly asked Jamie if she wanted to play a game of hide and seek Jamie wasn't surprised or suspicious, I mean why would she be?: they did this all the time, this was her mother, she was only 9.
After Jamie finished counting, she (naturally) began to find her mom, but she would never stop playing that game of hide and seek. When she looked for hours to no avail the security guards called her father and sent her home. They're mother had up and abandoned them, just right up and left.

Teenage Years: Jamie began to shape into the person she is today. She learned to smile when she was scared and to laugh when she wanted to cry, and to play a game when things felt hopeless, because that's what she learned the day her mother left her.

Adulthood: She was chosen to be sacrificed, and the rest we'll just have to wait to see.


Allergies/Dietary Restrictions: None

Quote: "What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Small Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us."

Other: This is what she looks like without a hand in front of her face. XD (and not smiling)

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