Mr. Marcus Mars.

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Name: Marcus Leslie Mars

Pronunciation: "Mark-us" "let-z-lee" "Ma-arr-s"

Nickname: Mark, Mr. Mars.

Superhero name: The Destroyer.

Age: 72

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight


Hair: Obviously grey. XD Clean cut, with a little stubble.


Skin: Pale and wrinkly.

Body Type: Arm muscles, leg muscles, neck muscles, back muscles, stomach muscles, muscles everywhere!! Literally, his biceps are like the size of someone's head. He's like a Doritos body shape with huge shoulders. Think of like almost hulk level, just a tad more realistic.

Piercings/tattoos: A butterfly on his low back and a heart with his mothers face in it, on his left pec.

Distinguishing Features: He has no legs! :0 He is in a wheelchair and funny enough, breaks a lot of them. It just can't handle his immense strength. XD

Clothing Preference: Formal. You'll almost never see him in anything but a suit, and if your lucky enough to see him in his casual clothes, you'll be seeing him in a button up shirt and suit pants.

SuperHero Costume: Literally just a giant, mascot esc, Pikachu head. That's it. He just throws it on when he needs to go unrecognized.


Personality Overview: He may seem like your typical macho, hardcore, serious type dude, and that's what he wants you too see, But at home, when nobody is watching, he's a fanatic fanboy, owner of 4 cats, brony, writer of (super cheesy) romance novels and notorious baker with a "Kiss the cook" apron. He's very hardcore and professional at work, but once he takes of his teachers ID badge, its all cuddles and cupcakes with him.

Likes: basically everything listed above^

Dislikes: Sharks, Strawberries, the cold and snow, electronics (He's like the least techy person you will ever meet), toddlers, loud or disruptive students.

Fears: Rabid Bunnies, and nothing else.

Hobbies/Skills: Baking, Knitting, Crocheting, Chess, Writing Romance, Reading and watching anime, etc.

Favorite color: PURPLE

Music Taste: Pop, mostly T-Swift.

Subject Taught: Gym 2, Misfits Power Control.

Extracurriculars Advised: Anime Club.


Childhood: Normal
Preteen: normal
Teenage: normal
Adult: Shark ate his leggs while surfing, was hospitalized and put in a wheelchair. Now an elder and teaching.


Parent Names: Hilda Patricia May Petunia Mars.

Relationship With Parents: Great! He's a mama's boy. Plain and simple.

Siblings: None

Children Names: Constance Mars Eseal. 

Relationship With Children: Good, but she is a little embarrassed he's her dad.

Best Friend: His Cats, Mike, Ike, Peanut Butter, and Jelly.

Significant Other: Good Ol' Helga. 1 half Viking 1 half model. Left after giving birth though, went back to her Viking colony in Burk.

Enemies: None yet.

Why are their enemies: N/A

Pets: 4 Cats, and 1 poodle.

Eating Habits

Carnivore/Omnivore/Herbivore: Carnivore. Plus every sugary or baked treat you can think of.

Fave Food: Any sugary or baked treat you can think of.

Fave Drink: Whiskey.

Least Fave Food: Broccoli

Least Fave Drink: Milk

Allergies: Bees, pollen, strawberries, almonds, honey, dust, lotion, coconut, mice, lizards, apricots, cotton, grass.

Dietary Restrictions: ^^^^


Power: The ability to inactivate someone else powers, for example turning the ability in general off for a certain amount of time. He can do this with as many people as he wants, especially because he has to since its his job at the school. Any time he lets his guard down, or isn't separating a part of himself to focus on keeping the power up, it stops working and he has two wait another 16 hours till he can use it again. This would include sleeping, being scared (which doesn't happen often cause he ain't afraid of anything really) being too stressed to think about his power, etc.

Ability To Drive: No. He has no legs.

Ability To Swim: No HE HAS NO LEGS

Other: He has a granddaughter in the school, he's not very popular among the teachers, but most students like him.

If they were a vine: Idk


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