Vegas Kim

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Hehe. I have decided Alec has two more daughters, just not in Tpg.

|Name| Vegas Kim
|Nickname| Just Vegas. If you try to call her any sort of pet name, she'll probably cut you.
|Age| 22
|Gender| Female
|Sexuality| Bisexual
|Rank| She's Lower Class.
|Royal Their Going For| Princess Brett
|Face Claim|


Vegas is quite the beauty, but she's tempermental and won't take anyone's crap. Her only friend really is her twin sister, but even they have been drifting apart over time because of their differences. And for the fact, they are both competing for the same girl. She knows she's attractive and alluring and uses this to her advantage. She hates most everyone and is far from mature. In fact, she has small temper tantrums she throws and will scream and be super overdramatic when she isn't happy. Did I mention she's overdramatic? No. Okay, I'll explain in further detail. She'll never cry, but she'll make someone her worst enemy over nothing. She does petty things to get back at people and especially hates girly and plastic girls. She'll sleep with their boyfriend for the sole fact they resemble a Barbie she didn't like as a kid. QYeah, she's extreme. She also really likes to party and hates anything superficial.
I know these qualities don't exactly make up a pleasant person, but she's not all bad. She's very overprotective of her sister and puts her sisters best interest first, she's strong-willed and bold, snarky and will put people in their place. She has many more good qualities, but I'm all about that character development so you'll get more of those in the roleplay.

Pop, neon, parties, drinking, exciting foods, alive, attitude, soda (she's literally a soda addict), exaggerating, exotic things, very hardcore and loud clothing.

|Dislikes| Fake people, loads of makeup and pink, goodie-two-shoes, plaid, but fashion, stick in the muds, people with way too much authority.

|Hobbies| Partying, dancing (she's actually really good), gaming on her phone, for 24 hours. (do they have phones?)

|Family| California Kim. Her twin sister. Their very close, but they aren't that close in public and they don't have any of the same friends because of their very different personalities
She has a father, mother, and also an older brother named Theodore.

Normal! Her family is pretty um, new and bold? But they do family in their own way, and they have just as much love and tradition as any other family, just much less, well, classical.

|Why they joined the selection|
She mainly joined because Cali wanted too, but she figures she can have a bit of fun while she's there. But she's not expecting to have any feelings for any of the royals....Hehhehehe

Am I supposed to tag your Army?

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