Dragon age OC

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Name: Arnrial

Age: 21

Height: 5'9

Weight: 160

Sexuality: straight

Place of birth: Ferelden

Class Type: Mage (Gravity Magic)

Title: Apostate

Background: taken to the Circle at a young age, he proved to be a caring and intelligent young man. As time went by, he questioned as to why his fellow mages would bow so easily to their templar jailers. So he took it upon himself to steal a scroll that contained knowledge of a long lost elven magic technique and run away from the life he knew, making a name for himself and to one day free all mages in thedas.

Skills: as a mage specializing in gravity magic, he's able to push and pull his opponents without laying an actual finger on them, as well levitating objects and the environment to his advantage such as lifting the ground in order to shield himself against projectile attacks.

Personality: he's a caring and intelligent young man, who prefers to use peaceful means of handling situations.

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