-Unit 785- (Fallout Organization)

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Background: Unit 785 was founded in the year 2070, before the Great War. This scientific organization was given a blank check and limitless resources to perform unethical and inhumane experiments on Protesters and POW's.

Their findings resulted in breakthroughs in medicine, as well advancement knowledge on the human body. Their base of operations was located beneath the ruins of the FBI building.

The Cleaner's

The cleaner's main objective to wipe out any and all traces of their existence in the capital wasteland, including destroying vital documents and disposing witnesses.

These men carry ballistic type weapons such as a modified UZI with an integrated suppressor attached, they wear hazmat suits designed to handle high levels of radiation.

The Siren's

The Siren's are a group of special forces mainly consisting of women, they're tasked with sabotage and infiltration. They're augmented with cybernetics, making them superior to the cleaner group. As they were programmed to follow orders to the letter and are excellent killing machines.

They're equipped with Ballistic weaponry and explosives, such as P90 sub machine guns and RPG's.

Test Subject's

The test Subjects are unwilling participants to painful and inhuman experiments, resulting in their bodies to be heavily augmented beyond recognition, both their body and mind are no longer human but rather more machine.

They're equipped with heavy weapons, such as mini guns and grenade launchers, unlike the cleaners and the Sirens. They're very resilient to damage. Making them difficult to kill.

The Chairman

The Chairman is the leader and founder of the infamous unit 785 group, who has ties with the enclave. However not much is known about the chairman. His age is unknown and since he has never ventured into the wastes personally his existence was deemed a myth.

Regardless the chairman is equipped with prototype weaponry never seen before, such as the vortex repeater. Which basically was a small mini gun that fired purple lasers that can pierce through power armor easily.

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