Teen Titans oc

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Name : Charity Delilah Ruby Sapphire Peridot Cadenza Amore Spencer or just Charity

Age: 10( in son of batman ), 17 (currently)

Hero name : Radiance

Gender : female

Crush: Robin or Damian wayne

Species: Crystallian ( person from Crystallia)

Likes: singing , archery , martial arts, fashion, video games

Dislikes : people who underestimate her abilities

Powers : Crystal manipulation

Hero or villian : hero

Best friend: Raven or Blue Beetle

Teen Titan or Solo: Teen Titan

Personality: she is critical, but in a sweet way, she is very ocd , can come off as helpless in certain situations , she is very soft spoken , wants to do everything right, she is openly picky and she is very clean and preppy when need be, she won't get dirty unless it's a emergency situation, but she is not snobby or thinks she's better than everybody else , but she has good intentions , she is kind and generous, these qualities prove she is a diamond in the rough
Voice claim:


Singing voice:


Looks :

17 year old charity:

Superhero uniform :


Other skills: she can sing and play guitar

Backstory : Charity was once a chancellor's daughter , a chancellor is like a advisor to the queen and she was very very close to the queen and they were like mother and daughter , her mother grew envious of the relationship they had, and the queen could bear no children and if she died the chancellor or their kin can take over the throne, so one night, her mother snuck into Charity's room and tried to shatter Charity in a attempt to assassinate her and she ran away from her mother and she got into a escape pod and she set course for earth. Her ship crashed 3 miles from the wayne manor and she was injured badly , she got out of her ship and she walked and walked for 45 minutes , no houses in sight for miles until she found the manor and she walked to the frontdoor and she knocked on the door and she was crying purple tears streamed down her cheeks at her arm and leg pain both covered in blue colored blood , when the door opened the one and only Bruce Wayne found the 10 year old girl and he felt sympathy for the suffering girl and he took her in.
Theme song:



Fun facts: Charity's teeth are so hard that she can crush diamonds with them , her tears are purple and her blood is blue

Fave relaxation or sunbathing song:


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