Sarafina Lekello

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Name: Sarafina Lekello

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Unsure

Likes: Chocolate, stage combat, Molière

Dislikes: Vegetables, viola, bad movies

Personality: Sarafina is bubbly and excitable. She loves to act, and Tartuffe is by far her favorite play. She loves to find the bright side, and cannot stop her contagious smile.

Best Trait: Positivity in all situations

Theme Song: Beautiful

Backstory: Sarafina started acting when she was 8, and joined a theater troupe at 15. Her first role with them was Dorine in Tartuffe, and the rest was history. She had one sibling, her brother Ryan. He was her best friend and companion throughout her childhood.


District: Capitol

Province: Calgary

Caste: 5

Power: Siren Song (can manipulate emotions with her voice)


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