Monster Mafia for @-Moon-Pie

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Name: Daiya Ivar
Alias/Nickname: Ilvar is commonly referred to as 'the dark boss' or simply 'boss' by his underlings. He's also referred to as the 'white devil' by witnesses, because most only see his white cloak and his face.
But, honestly, if you're ballsy enough to call him a nickname(and make sure that he knows it) he'll respect you and go by it
Age: Ilvar is an ageless being, though he appears to be mid 20s
Gender: male
Species: unknown, a lot of people speculate demon however



With this cloak:

Height: 7'5
Weight: 273 pounds
Weapons: besides his teeth? Unknown, if he ever used a weapon in front of someone, that person had never lived to tell

Mental Issues: unknown, Ilvar had never thought to go get professionally checked out, but he's not...sane, so there's probably some stuff going on.
Bad Habits: besides literally eating people and recruiting often out of control, darkness fueled beings to be in is Mafia?
Picking at his teeth and or the skin on his cheeks, scaring the crap out of mortals he dislikes, occasionally corrupting people with powerful abilities, not eating regularly
Personality: Ilvar is a dark and mysterious individual who most either respect or fear. Regarded almost like the boogeyman by most normal people, Ilvar is a charming and soothing individual who tends to stalk and gain the trust of his victims before doing whatever he wanted with them. To his mafia and underlings however, he's a caring but strict and actually a little bit fatherly individual who gave them a family they could really let loose with.
To those rare few that he's romantically interested in however? He's a rather protective but controlling individual who would prefer to know exactly where they are and where their little heart is beating. His swave-ness doesn't disappear, instead a softly teasing and rather seductive air is added to it, along with with a bit of a blood thirst of a ...different kind
Likes: things going smoothly, his Mafia, music, singing, darkness, nighttime, hiding mostly in his cloak around normal mortals, tearing apart the throats of mortals he dislikes

Mafia Name:  The Cardinal Undead Syndicate Aka The CUS
How Large is their gang?: probably around 50 to 100 members, not impressive...until you remember how violent and powerful they are
Hideout: but with Forests around it





Theme song:

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Name: Ayal Farran
Alias/Nickname: the normal people know them as 'the chained doe'
Age: they made a deal with Ilvar at age 14, and hadn't really physically aged since, but that had been at least 20 years ago
Gender: non-binary
Species: deer person

Before making the deal:

After making the deal: (wears a pair of grey pants with iron anklets

Height: 4'2
Weight: 97 pounds without the chains, 127 with chains
Tattoos/Peircings: no tattoos, but they have various piercings about her body.
Weapons: animal magic and chains

Mental Issues: like Ilvar, Ayal hasn't actually went to a professional, but they're at least slightly psychotic. They also have Pyrophobia(fear of fire)
Bad Habits: chaining people up, strangling people with chains, using animals to gut or maul people, not sleeping regularly, staying out in the sun too long
Personality: Ayal is childish in the morbid, serial killer sort of way where they fry ants with a magnifying glass or mess with dead animals. Ayal, for the most part, is innocent to the adult world and is honestly a lot like a kid...beside the bloodlust that they have developed from using magic in such a way and just being around the other members of the CUS . But don't get them wrong, Ayal can hold their own...they just aren't good at holding back on their own.
Likes: their friends, hugs, cuddles, being out in the sun, being cool(temp wise), chains, , handcuffs, animals, most restraining techniques(she HATES rope, mainly the rough, uncolored type),

Mafia Name: they are a member of the CUS
Hideout/Living Space: they spend most of their time in the forest, but:

- Ayal was one of the people subtly corrupted by Ilvar, and the corruption showed when Ayal made the deal
-Ayal was literally almost burned at the stake, but Ilvar 'saved' them at the last second by the deal
- Ayal is honestly incredibly attention starved, and clings to whoever gives them affection
-the chains are actually comforting to Ayal, and they are rarely without them

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