My First version of Angel

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Name: a girl with short, dark brown hair and seemingly black eyes smiles. "I'm Faun Douglas, and you are?"
Gender: she covers her mouth with her hand mostly, her fingertips in her lips. " Oh dear, are you blind? I'm female in any case"
Age: She crosses her arms. "I look to be 27, and I'll leave it at that since it's rude to ask a lady her age"
Looks: she sighs. "Do you need a spell to improve your sight?"

Sexuality: she wrinkles her nose. "I'm heterosexual, Females just don't interest me"
Species: she smiles. "I look to be human, isn't that enough?"(she's basically my first version of my main character Angel, so fire amigod!)
Personality: she tilts her head to the side. "I'm kind, carrying, smart, brave, and a touch crazy, does that suffice?"(as you can see she is rather inquisitive, questioning things to make sure she got them worked out. She can definitely be a bîtch if you get on her bad side, and can be a tad bit obsessive about something if it interests her.)
Likes: she smiles. "People not getting in my way and getting what I want"(there's a lot more...but yeah, mostly that)
Dislikes: She sighs. "Poor unfortunate slûts"(there's more in this too...but it's kinda a long list)
Strengths: she smiles widely. "Getting what I want and making people sway to under my spell"
Weaknesses: She sighs. "My powers messing up"
Backstory: "I lived, died, came back to life: the end!" She says simply.(She ended up getting offed at 7 and came back, so she trained hard to not only to master her base element of fire, but each of the four main elements. She battle the idiot that caused her death and won, banishing him to a spot where he can't cause much trouble)

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