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Name: Amaris Luz Hinton

nicknames: Hinto, Ammy, Luce, Pale, Snow White

Sexuality: Pan

Age: 18

Species: half spirit of the moon

Height: 5'6

Weight: 123 pounds

Personality: Amaris is, in short, a caring and smart person. She graduated early and the top of her class and spends a lot of time volunteering at homeless shelters or around town. She knows the world is a dark place and tries to help out as much as she can. Occasionally she gets extremely distracted or completely scraps her plans for the day to do something/go somewhere else only to find her help Is needed wherever she ended up.

Looks/ Physical description:




Backstory: she grew up mostly normal, well off family, only child of a single father because her mother had died in childbirth. She would sneak out at night and climb onto the roof of her house to gaze up at the moon. On one such occasion she accidentally fell off and broke her arm, but instead of being mad her nonbiological dad had a platform built so she could gaze at the moon safely. She started to experience the spirit world at the age of 11 while moon gazing, and has slowly entered ever since, though she always returned home to her nonbiological dad, who knew who her real dad was, Manny aka the man on the moon.

powers: light magic, visions that she can never exactly remember, healing magic, the power to revive things(though she's only done it to pets and small animals so far), and night vision.

Crushes: Jack Frost and Bunny

Theme song:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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