A Boy, His Friend, and Their Dog

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Another little one-shot of Jon and Roger as teenagers.


I didn't tell you about this one >:)
Don't worry; it's fluffy.


"Where did you even find him, Wonder?"

"Well, it seems like he found me."

The two boys chuckled, unable to peel their eyes away from their new canine companion. 

"Had he had no owner?" The taller of the two pondered, gently brushing his fingers through the dog's shaggy fur. He was almost confident it was a herding dog.

"I don't think so. He was left alone," the freckled boy chimed. Now glancing up, Johnson gave a warm smile. "Well, I can't quite say much. It seems we have a similar situation." 


"The dog and I. He seems to have been left out! What use do the people here have for a..." The thought slipped from the younger boy's mind for a moment. "I would say hunting dog- but he's not built for it."

"It looks more like a dog that would be used to herd sheep." Roger now laughed, meeting Jon's eyes. He seemed to be in complete bewilderment by such a creature. Friendly and soft- but a bit smelly. "What will you name him?"

"Geezer, probably."

The older boy snorted, running a hand through his dark hair. "Geezer? Why that?"

"He's old," Johnson answered, smiling. 

Roger's heart fluttered at such a sight. He glanced to the side, staring down the street. "Well, I suppose the name suits him then. Geezer."

Before the older boy could do much, the dog jumped onto him, his large paws knocking him off balance. Roger tumbled backward, yelping. Though fortunately, he hadn't hit the ground. He found himself tucked securely into Jon's chest. 

"You must work on your balance," the freckled lad teased.

"Quiet, you!" 

"Oh, come now, Pretty Boy- there's no need to shush me." Jon laughed now, watching as the dog sat nearby. He trailed his eyes to meet Roger's. "Have I ever told you how nice your eyes are?"

"I don't think so-" Roger traced through his memories- situations like this. Johnson had somehow managed to break down walls he had never thought existed. This simple boy showed him how to break free and explore. 

"May I?"

"Oh, certainly-"

"They remind me of a meadow- no! Of a field bathed in the afternoon sun. They're so pristine and kind. They shine almost like gemstones- no matter how dark it is. I find them so fascinating."

Roger smiled, setting his head on Jon's shoulder, back pressed gently against his chest. "Do you?"

"Yes, I do. I find them beautiful. Though, you're undeniably perfect."

"Oh- but what of the bumps and rough edges of my skin?"

"You'll grow out of it, Pretty Boy. If you don't? That doesn't matter. I'd think no differently. You're perfect with each imperfection."

Roger batted his eyes, a shyness finding itself apparent. It seems like this boy knew how to make him weak, and it sometimes scared him. If his father found out, hell, if his brother knew- he could be in trouble. But that didn't scare him enough to keep him away. He still wrote, drew, and daydreamed. Curse this damned puppy love- it made him feel like he was crazy and spiraling downwards.

Yet, those eyes-

Beautiful brown eyes.

They were calming.

Roger was uncertain about what those beauties witnessed in the past, but he knew that in the evening sun, out on the docks- when those brown eyes shimmered gold- they were gentle and full of love.

The dog now rested by their feet, Jon's fingers absentmindedly tracing through the matted fur. Roger watched every movement, noticing how gentle the freckled boy acted. His hands were scarred lightly, yet they moved without a harming motive. 

"Freckled Wonder?"


"Do you remember our first time talking in the market?"

"Like it was yesterday."

The older boy smiled- of course, Jon would remember.

"Well, I was thinking about it."

"What of it?"

"How much it meant to me," Roger rested his eyes, head tilted back. "I am awkward and clumsy- and you know how annoying my voice crack is-"

"It's beautiful," Jon interrupted, glancing at the other boy. "Don't forget that."

Roger lifted a hand, hoping to hide the growing flush on his cheeks. "Well, you were willing to talk with me. You had every right to avoid me and laugh at me if I fell and hit the ground. But you did the opposite. When I fell, you caught me. And when I talked- you talked back."

"Of course, we're not so different," Jon spoke gently, propping himself back on a wooden post. "We're both looking for something better. And- well- it seems we found it in each other."

"Yes, I just thought that- since you had the first run-in with Joseph-"

"I have a grudge towards your brother. But that didn't mean I'd hold one towards you. You never wronged me- rather, keep your business in a book. Or you'd stare. I could tell your stares meant no harm- and you lacked the judgemental gaze of your father."

"Oh- I'm glad." Roger held a dignified smile for a moment, reaching over to where their dog slept. He playfully ruffled the fur, making the sleepy fellow groan. He gave an entertained smile. He forgets how expressive animals can be; hell, his father kept birds and other high-class animals.

"And you're sweet," Johnson added after some time, eyes fixated on the setting sun. The water shimmered and rippled beneath the star's gaze, casting an incredible array of colors. A painting that was expertly crafted.

"As are you, Wonder. I don't think I've met a boy who was quite as kind. I've hardly met a soul like you. It's fascinating to know that people my father would normally see as nothing-"

"Are the people who make you feel like something?" Jon caught Roger's gaze, causing the older lad to tense- a breath caught in his throat. Yet, the freckled youngster grinned, lifting his unoccupied hand to cup Roger's cheek. "I understand. You're a wonderful person, Roger. Never change. And if you do? Change for the better. Think for yourself and learn from mistakes."

Roger grinned lightly, leaning into the warmth. "I will."

"And I'll try to make myself a better person- be happy. And I'll do it, promise me."

"Promise you? Whatever for?"

"Because you're the reason." Johnson grinned.

Roger's smile widened, and he laughed, lifting his hand. "I promise."

"Excellent." Jon quickly took the other's hand, giving it a brief shake. "Thank you."

Roger glanced over, finally catching sight of the beautiful sunset. "For?"


Roger laughed gently, pulling Johnson into a tight hug. "It wasn't my choice- but I'm glad I got to be here. I suppose I'm quite the lucky one."

"Well, I believe we both needed to find each other. I'm glad you got to me in time," Johnson whispered. Ruffling the dog's fur one more time before he stood, offering Roger a hand. "You need to get home, Pretty Boy."

Roger nodded, even though he had not heard a word. He had been too focused on Jon's face and how heavenly it appeared in the evening light. If he could, he'd count every last freckle. "Uh-huh..."



"You need to get home- you'll get in trouble!"

"Right!" The taller boy realized, quickly dusting himself off. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow," Johnson grinned, giving Roger another quick hug. "Be careful."

Roger nodded, turning and running off. 

Jon smiled, almost lovesick, as he stood there on the dock. A warm sensation filled his chest, and his cheeks flushed pink. Damn that boy- he was so easy to love. 

An assortment of licks brought him away from the thoughts, and he laughed, petting the scruffy old dog. "Come on, Geezer, let's go check on Willow."

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