Snowball Fight!

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Two new OCs are under development!

My character: Oordway Walker

Im_Not_Old_Sport's character: David Vaihinger



~Story Starts~

It was a fine winter morning, the fields around powdered in inches of snow. A decent change of pace and a rather delicate appeal. Of course, it was not for everyone; the winter hadn't been as mild as other years, and unfortunately, supplies had declined. It hadn't held much to many people's standards, but men made the most of it. 

David and his good friend, Oordway, moved along the snow-covered paths, talking among themselves. It had been a relatively quiet evening and a perfect opportunity to leave camp. 

"Oordway," David spoke up. "I believe that we've walked enough-"

"Enough? It's only been somewhere near an hour or two-"

"Without rest. I'm exhausted," the blonde muttered, staring at a nearby fallen tree, powdered finely in snow. "I believe a nice sit-down chat would be lovely." 

The taller man smiled, glancing at the log. "And I suppose the snow would make a lovely cushion?"

"Quite frankly, yes." David breathed, moving towards the log. He took a seat, sighing.

Oordway chuckled, dipping a gloved hand into the snow. "So, I've got another question."


"How fast can you dodge?" 

David glanced up quickly, an adequate ball of snow smashing his face. He quickly wiped away the powder, glaring. "Why you-"

"I asked if you could dodge!"

The blonde sat up straight, glaring dangerously. "I have a better question."


"Can you dodge?" David moved swiftly, lifting a handful of snow and hurdling towards Oordway. The brunette laughed as the snow struck his chest.

"Oh- apparently, I can't." He teased, quickly grabbing another couple of handfuls of snow and tossing them at his partner. David moved away from them in time to avoid being hit by them. He laughed, sticking his tongue out. Oordway smirked, tossing another (which ended up striking David's face).

"Alright, that's it! I call for a full war. A snowball war." David shouted, dusting himself off. He glanced to Oordway, the man only grinning back at him. "Should I set some ground rules?"

"Of course."

"Alright. We stay on this plot of land; no hiding in the trees! Do not add ice, rocks, or wood into your snowballs; that would hurt. And last but not least, prepare to have your ass beat," David grinned, taking a couple of steps back and grabbing snow.

Oordway did the same, smirking devilishly. "I can't wait to see the pure anguish on your face when the Englishman wins the war!"

David snorted. "With you leading, I'd be surprised if you got anywhere near leading!"

Oordway laughed, tossing a snowball towards the blonde, who, in return, quickly ducked down. David grinned, returning fire. The taller of the two yelped, hitting the ground fast, hoping to avoid striking out immediately. 

"About had you there!"

"You did!" 

David grinned, quickly throwing another ball, striking a little to the right of Oordway. 

"Why, Mr. Vaihinger, I never expected you to strike at a man that was down!" 

"Finish them off so you won't have to worry about them healing," David grinned, tossing and catching a snowball.

"Uck, now you're starting to sound like Johnson," Oordway muttered. He pushed himself off the ground, throwing a hand of snow toward David (though it missed and struck a nearby tree).

David laughed, running forward, tossing some snow at his lover. Oordway yelped, hopping over a fallen log. He laughed, squatting down. 

"Why are you charging!?"

"No rules against it, Liebe!" David grinned. Oordway smirked, catching the man in his arms, pressing a quick kiss to his frostbitten cheeks. David's eyes widened, his face heating up from embarrassment. Oordway grinned, gently pulling away, shoving a handful of snow into David's chest.

"I win!"

"You cheated!"

"But there was nothing against the rules," Oordway reasoned, wrapping his arms around David's shoulders. "You never said we couldn't find ways to distract one another!"

"Scheisse," the blonde grumbled. "I suppose you're right."

Oordway laughed in victory. Though, his moment got cut short when a snowball crashed into the back of his head. Both men turned quickly, glancing around to see who the attacker was, though no one was in sight. 

A whistle drew their attention to a tree top, where a young man sat grinning at them. "I suppose that means I win, doesn't it?"

"Johnson?" Oordway questioned. "When did you get here?"

"I was here before you were. I was doing my morning rounds."

"Why are you in a tree?" David questioned, unamused by the man's behavior.

"I heard movement. And I was unsure of who it was, so I climbed up this tree and got my weapon ready. Then you two came walking in-"

"So, you stalked up?"

"Not necessarily. I hung around long enough to see what you two were doing. The snowball fight was interesting; I'm delighted I could participate." Johnson chuckled, making his way down the tree. He smiled at the two, crossing his arms behind his back. "Would love to play another round."

"No- I am not playing against you-" Oordway laughed. "You struck me in the back of the head from the top of that tree-"

Jon grinned at the Frenchman. "What of it? You were standing still! Gravity did most of the work." 

Oordway rolled his eyes, ruffling Johnson's hair. The freckled man snorted, swatting his hands away. Oordway chuckled, moving his hand. "Well, I don't believe I'm in the mood for a second round. Right now, I wish to spend time with David- I'm sure you understand."

Johnson looked over to the blonde, nodding in approval. "I do believe I understand. I have someone as special to me as he is to you." He took a couple of steps back, stretching his arms. "Have fun, you two. I'm going to go bother the Light Dragoons."

"Be careful, Monsieur."

"Come now! It's me, Johnson Morgan, that we're talking about!" Johnson laughed, running off. Oordway shook his head.

"That's why I said be careful!" He shouted, turning towards his partner. He smiled at David, giving him a small kiss. "Are you still feeling tired, dear?"

"Exhausted," David smiled. "I'm too sober for this." 

Both laughed, moving to sit on the fallen log. Once seated, David laid his head on Oordway's shoulder, face much more red than before. He pressed a kiss to Oordway's jaw, squeezing his hand in one of his own. "I love you."

"Love you too, dear."

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