First Date *old*

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· You two went to go see a comedy movie

· She'd steal your popcorn and snacks when your not looking

· She laughs at every joke (even the ones she doesn't understand) "It's funny! That's a funny joke!.... I don't get it... but still!"

· After the movie you take her home, not knowing what else to do for the date (Much to her disappointment)

· All of her friends watch from the window of the house, watching your every move


· You two went on a picnic

· You two both brought food (She mainly brought the deserts....and everything else, she couldn't help herself!)

· You two fed each other (and everyone around the park found you two so adorable)

· "I'm sorry if this is too much food, I just wanted to make sure we had enough." She'd say quietly, looking down

· At the end you both agreed to do this more often


· She chose to go to a broadway musical. Yes, and she even paid for backstage passes!

• You to saw Heathers, she always wanted to see it

• After the show she took you two to an expensive restaurant

• "Madison, this is nice but you really didn't have to, it's our first date." "Nonsense, I believe that you'll be sticking around for a long time."


• You expected him to flirt with you nonstop but he hardly did, in fact he hardly spoke

• The whole 'dating' thing is new to him, especially after his whole life he's tried to neglect any feelings of love for anyone

• You two spent time at his hotel room, he even cooked for you two

• After a hour of silence, he started to warm up to you

• He put on a movie and you suggested horror

• During the jump scares you would flinch and curl up against him (wHiCh He FoUnD aBsOlUtElY aDoRaBlE-)

•You just so happened to choose a movie that he was in and when you saw him you instantly knew who he was (the hair was a giveaway)

• It was raining outside so he allowed you to stay the night, letting you borrow one of his sweaters

• He let you sleep on the bed for some reason, you'd thought you'd be sleeping on the couch but he insisted he'd sleep on the pullout bed.

• Halfway while he was sleeping you joined him anyway, claiming in the morning that the bed was uncomfortable (which was a huge lie and he knew it)

• "S/o what the hell are you doing in the bed with me?"
"The bed was uncomfortable so I thought you wouldn't mind!..."


I honestly don't have the patience to write for all of them so give me the top three I should mainly write these for (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

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