My Princess - Alma X Amari (✨+💕+💔)

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Amari yawned and rolled over in her bed, her blanket wrapped around her. Her eyes quickly landed on Alma, fast asleep in her own bed.

Amari sat up and looked around before carefully getting out of her bed and over to Alma's. Amari yawned as she sat down on Alma's bed, her girlfriend shifting slightly.

Amari looked down at her beautiful face and moved some stray hair our of her face and smiled. She was so lucky to have Alma in her life.

Amari laid back and cuddled into Alma, smiling as Amari curled into her chest. Amari gently kissed her head and rested her chin on Alma's head as she began to doze off.

She was jolted awake however by shaking, shaking and crying... Alma! Oh no... A nightmare?

"Alma? Alma, wake up?" Amari gently shook her.

Alma screamed as she woke up, tears streaming down her pale face. Poor thing, she was terrified...

"Oh, princess." Amari gently held her,"It was another nightmare, wasn't it?"

Alma sniffled as she nodded, burying her face in Amari's shoulder. Amari gently held the smaller girl, wiping away her tears with her thumb.

"There, there." Amari began to whisper, keeping her voice soft and calm,"You're safe now, princess."

"P-promise?" Alma looked up at her.

"I promise." Amari smiled, seeing Alma's sad eyes broke her heart.

Alma rubbed her eyes as she leaned against Amari. That's when she had an idea. Amari scooped up Alma and sat her on her bed instead and bent down, starting to look through her drawers.

"What are you doing, Mari?" Alma asked her slowly.

Amari smiled as she pulled out one of her hoodies. It was her most comfortable, emerald green and it even had her Quidditch number on it. No. 21.

"Here you are, princess." Amari handed over the hoodie.

Alma gasped and quickly put it on. It was adorable, the hoodie was at least three sizes too big and it practically drowned her.

Alma pulled the hood over her head,"I'm a bean!"

"My bean." Amari booped her nose.

Alma giggled and held Amari's hand. Amari's smiled grew and she leaned forward, kissing Alma's lips. Alma melted into her and kissed back gently.

The pair soon broke apart and Amari climbed into her own bed. Alma curled up on her chest, snuggling into her. Amari kissed her forehead again.

"I love you, Amari." Alma smiled, closing her eyes.

"I love you too, princess."

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