Scheming - A guess at what Moth Jay has been doing {⚡}

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Jay was perched on a lantern, watching strangers and even a few of her old classmates passing by. They will have forgotten all about her by now, they all think she died. But that's not true!

Suddenly, Jay's watch buzzed and she looked down. A message from Brielle.

"Come back to the hideout, Eni found something."

Jay rolled her eyes and began to flutter towards the dark forest, the only light being from lanterns. Brielle really has to stop calling one of their new allies, an Enigma, Eni. It's weird.

Arriving at the forest, Jay swooped down onto a branch and crawled inside. Their hideout was decently sized to fit them all.

Oh, you thought it was just Jay and Brielle? Oh no. They recruited brand new people with very exciting Origins. What about an introduction?

Hera, a Half-wither, calm and collected with a homicidal nature. She was their strategist.

Rue, a Dullaghan, a schemer, that's for sure. They're very secretive but loyal to their side, they store their hidden information.

Then Zayn, a Skulkborn, he can sense the slightest sounds and tell when they're being watched or eavesdropped on.

Next up, Carmine, A Piglin. Though she wasn't exactly villain material, they needed the brute strength, so they took her from the Nether and just pay her gold every now and again to keep her on their side.

And Drake, also not exactly villain material but again he's stupid and they needed brute strength so all they needed to do was promise him treasure to get him on their side.

Jaime, a Zombie, they really do mean well but due to her lack of brains, she doesn't really know what's going on. Her horde attack ability is super useful though, so they kept her.

The Enigma, who can kill someone just by staring at them for a minute or two, an uncaring character who doesn't care who she's fighting as long as somebody dies.

William, a Vex. Of course he turned to the dark side, he runs off of pure rage and a desire for vengeance against anyone and everyone. He's very easily convinced and so just make up a horrible lie about someone and he'll try and kill them.

Finally, Brielle, an Arachnid. Sadly for her, she never fully intented to be evil. The Principal took her in because nobody wanted a spider hanging around, she was kept in that room with hardly any food which is why she wanted to eat Jay so badly. She was hungry. And lonely. Brielle thought Jay would go another direction, not become the school traitor and then an evil mastermind.

Jay looked around before her eyes landed on the Enigma, a pair of dark sunglasses covering their eyes.

"You. What did you find?" Jay glared at them.

"I spotted that God Dude that you 'ate, stared at 'im for a bit to freak 'em out but let 'im go." They shrugged.

"You let him... Go?"

"Obviously, I'm not just gonna kill 'im like that. That's boring!" Enigma laughed.

"Eni, you-"

"Silence, Brielle. I don't recall asking for your input." Jay spat.

"Aw, the li'l moth is angry." Enigma giggled, poking Jay's cheek.

Jay tried to bite down on their finger but their hand went towards their glasses and Jay paused. She knew what the Enigma could do and she wasn't going to risk anything.

"That's right." They smirked, standing up,"You may be my 'leader' but you should know yer place."

Jay growled, muttering under her breath.

"Think abou' it. Yer surrounded by a bunch o' people, most of which don't like ye." The Enigma pointed out before turning to Carmine and Drake,"The moment ye stop paying them two, ye lose their loyalty."

Carmine looked to the side and Drake blinked, he'd missed that entire conversation.

"Give yer little spide' a chance to escape an' she'll take it." They continued,"When Zombo and Will wisen up to yer bullshit, you'll lose 'em too."

Jay clenched their fists, their loyalties weren't that thin!

"Then 'era and Rue, if they felt like it, they could wipe you out in an 'eartbeat." The Enigma crossed their arms,"Same with Zayn, 'have you seen those arms?"

Zayn sighed and picked up the Enigma, covering their mouth and just holding them.

"Thank you, Zayn." Jay sighed, muttering,"About time, you asshole."

Zayn just looked at her from behind his dark glasses, having heard that.

"Does anyone else have anything to add? Anything else to do with our plan to crush Cameron and his 'friends'" Jay looked around.

"Nothing here, Boss." Hera shook her head.

"Uh, no." Drake shook his head.

Jay sighed, they were nowhere near destroying Cameron but... With all this incredible strength behind them, all they need is to wait in hiding a little bit longer and scheme... And he'd be gone.

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