The Meeting After... - The Despair Disease never wore off (pt.2 - ⚡+💔)

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As Stevie sat at the head of the long table, all she could do was look down at her hands.

Why weren't you faster? What? Why didn't you save them? I'm sorry... It should've been you, Stevie!

"Miss Hendrix." 

Stevie looked up quickly. Alistair Everglade, the Ultimate Assistant.

"Apologies, you seemed deep in thought." Alistair bowed down,"However, everyone else has arrived."

"Thank you, Al." Stevie rubbed her eyes,"Hey- What have I told you about the bowing thing?"

"Oh- Hehe." Alistair giggled,"Right, I'll go get them."

Moments later, other people who worked as part of the Foundation in other branches filed in and sat at the seats.

"Stevie, you sounded very upset over the phone. Care to explain what's gotten you so worked up?" Evelyn raised a brow.

"Last night, we experienced some... C-casualties." Stevie's hands were trembling.

"Casualties?" Henry furrowed his brow,"What sort of casualties?"

Stevie could feel the corners of her eyes start to burn. Shit... No, she can't cry. N-not now!

"Dimitri and J-Jeff... We're murdered." Stevie slowly answered.

The table broke out into gasps and muttering. How has this happened?

"Who killed them?" Amari covered her mouth with her hand.


Stevie hid her face in her arms and rested them on the table.

"Jay... But why?" Alistair gasped.

"Ask her yourself... Scott!"

That's when Scott entered with Jay, head down and handcuffed.

"Do you have any idea what you've done? Why would you do that?" Vincent questioned.

"They were responsible for what happened to Terishi." Jay glared at them,"Dimitri was the Mastermind... Jeff was on his side... If someone hadn't stopped me, I would've gotten Akira for her trying to dispose of the body."

Akira quickly left the room, looking down.

"Jay... You know she was blackmailed and you know Jeff was forced." Daiko spoke up,"Sure, Dimitri was a little messed up and did horrible things but-"

"But nothing, Daiko. I thought you'd understand. She was your sister!" Jay yelled.

"My sister wouldn't have wanted this!" Daiko slammed his hands down on the table,"Teri didn't want revenge, on anyone! She believed in forgiveness! She would be disappointed in you right now!"

The room went silent... That's when they heard a thud. Scott had been thrown to the ground and the handcuffs snapped off... Jay was loose.

"Time to finish what I started.." A wicked smirk grew on her face.

The doors to exit were locked tight and no matter how many members of security the Foundation threw at Jay, she managed to lay waste to all of them.

As Jay approached Akira, dagger in hand, Stevie darted after her. She was desperate, desperate to protect Akira. She was so close and...

Stevie froze as the warm, red liquid seeped through her shirt. Blood. She was bleeding. She saved Akira! She... Wanted to sleep. Tired... Very tired...


Stevie slowly blinked her eyes open, the monitor beside her emanating a dull beeping noise.

Stevie wished that if she closed her eyes again then she'd just... Be gone. She didn't want to live like this. A failure, not only to Jeff and Dimitri but to Jay. She was a poor excuse of a leader...

"You're awake!"

Stevie made out Daiko's voice clearly but didn't react. She couldn't...

"Stevie, you're alright now. I promise." Daiko assured her, stroking her hair.

"Can't you just... Y'know, pull those out." Stevie asked, looking at a load of wires and plugs.

Daiko gasped and held onto Stevie tightly,"Those aren't- Stevie, you're not on life support. If I unplug them, you'll still be alive."

"Oh... Alright, then." Stevie leaned against his shoulder.

"Stevie.." Daiko sighed,"I know you're upset but you've still got to save those youngsters from the island, remember?"

Stevie nodded slowly.

"And Akira and I, we still need our favourite mother figure." He reminded her.

Stevie forced a soft smile as Daiko held her. She loved them but... Jay. She wanted to help Jay. She knew she couldn't but she wanted to try! Just once! One talk, that's it!

"Where's Jay?" Stevie asked quietly.

Daiko bit his lip,"In a maximum security cell... They don't want her anywhere near you, I'm sorry."

Stevie looked down at her hands,"Daiko?"

"Hm? Yeah?" Daiko raised a brow.

"Promise me that you'll never leave me, okay?" Stevie squeezed his hand tightly.

"If it'll make you feel better then yes. I provide I'll never leave you." Daiko nodded.

"Please... Don't do what Jay did." Stevie thought to herself,"I can't take loosing someone close to me again..."

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