Gooto Rojin

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Name: Gooto Rojin

Appearance: He is a 7-foot-tall old man with a long white beard and goat horns. With the robes that he chooses to wear, you could easily mistake him as a weak and fragile old man, but once he takes those off you can see his masculine body as well as the thousands of battle scars he's received over the years.

Age: Over 900+ years

Abilities: With over 900 years of experience, Gooto may be one of the strongest Faunus around. Though his body has weakened over time, he's still much stronger and faster than anyone else. He has an aura just like everyone else, but he also has two semblances. One of which has him never die of old age and the other lets him obtain the power of any dead body he sees. This can also apply to a severed body part. For example, if he finds an arm of someone's body that's been cut off, he can obtain their ability though it won't be nearly as strong. Thanks to his many years of being alive, it's unknown how many abilities he has obtained so far.

Weapons: He has copied an ability that allows him to summon and manipulate blood and dead bodies, turning them into shields, swords, or even gauntlets. He mostly uses this for defensive measures as he only needs his fist to get the job done.

Background: Born many years ago as a slave, Gooto was rescued by a girl named Mary Sue, who had given him the secondary semblance of immortality. Once he had left, he had gone to do battle with both Humans and Faunus alike. He's even fought Ozpin on several occasions and the two of them would make good friends. He would eventually train many members of the White Fang, but he would never join it as he had no resentment towards the Humans. Only when the White Fang grew more violent did Gooto join in, as he wished to taste the art of battle at least a little bit longer before his flame went out.

Personality: Gooto is an unpredictable old man who enjoys a good fight. He's not a good guy and he's not bad either. He just wants to live his life the way he sees fit. It should be noted that he never regrets any action he takes, even when admitting those actions as mistakes. While he has joined the White Fang, he considers everyone within it children throwing a temper tantrum over the little things. Despite this, his wisdom has earned him the respect of both Humans and Faunus alike. While Ozpin originally gave him a position to lead Haven Academy, he turned it down. He's also turned down a position to lead the White Fang, preferring to watch how things play out rather than control the events around him.

Sexuality: None

Current Stories: Sonic and RWBY volumes 3-4


(Note: The picture above would be him in his younger years during the Great War)

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