OC Checklist: Bentley

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This is something I found on Pinterest that I thought I'd do for some of my OCs. Here's Bentley's.

Full name: "Bentley." (Bentley Eugene Birmingham)

Meaning of name: "How should I know? My mom picked it though." ("A clearing covered with bent grass")

Do they like their name: "Sure? I mean, considering that it's a name of a car brand so you can guess how that can go. Also I can never find my name on those monogrammed keychains."

Nickname: "Kalvin calls me Ben."

Age/Grade: "16, almost 17. And I'm a junior in high school."

How old they appear: "I dunno, old enough to be a parent I guess. But once I was out in public with my sisters and someone thought I was their dad."

Eye color: "Brown, if you can't tell."

Glasses?: "Nah. But I did have a phase where I would punch out the lenses in 3D glasses and wear that."

Weight/build: "...I'm not answering that." (He's got a pretty big build and is at a good weight as well. I dunno how much he's supposed to weigh-)

Height: "I'll let you know after I get Kalvin to measure me." (6'2")

Skin type: "What?" (Caucasian)

Hair color and length: "It's dark brown, NOT BLACK, and it's getting long enough to tie into a bun. I don't say man bun anymore because Kalvin said that buns are buns no matter your gender. And I like that."

Taste in clothes: "I mostly just wear t shirts or sweatshirts and jeans. Even in the summer. I hate shorts. They make my legs feel naked."

Healthy? Why or why not?: "Physically, I think so. Mentally, um...."

Music: "Anything that sounds catchy."

Daredevil or cautious: "I ate a butterfly once. That should be self explanatory."

Good habits: "People have good habits?" (He loves wearing T-shirts with cartoon characters on them, has an unhealthy collection of random toys and stuffed animals, and likes to talk to inanimate objects)

Bad habits: "Okay this I actually know. I bite my nails a lot, which Kalvin hates, and I twirl my hair between my fingers."

Hobbies: "I love adult coloring books. Bella got me one with some gel pens for my birthday and I'm completely obsessed with it. And I like to cook too."

Family situation: "....pass." (You guys pretty much know, but in case you don't: Bentley's mom died giving birth to his younger twin sisters Bailey and Brandi when he was ten. His dad is a horrible parent and an alcoholic, being emotionally and possibly physically abusive to his kids)

Friend situation: "Better than my family life, that's for sure."

Deepest fear: "...uh, spiders. Yeah." (Losing loved ones. After his mom died, Bentley developed a fear of people dying or something bad happening to them)

Favorite thing: "Wow, that's super generic. I dunno." (His teddy bear that he's had since he was a baby)

Favorite person/role model: "My mom was and still is my role mode. And she's my favorite person ever. Tied for second place are my sisters and Kal."

What would break them: "If anything happened to my sisters or Kalvin. I don't know what I'd do.."

Best and worst thing in their life: "I really don't know." (Best thing, meeting Kalvin. Worst thing, obviously his mom dying."

What they're reluctant to tell people: "About my tattoos...I wanna get them removed. But that's really painful."

Opinions on relationships: "Well, I used to be in a bunch of different relationships back when I though I was straight. But that was the past. And I'm with Kalvin now and I love him so much."

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