OC Fun Facts: Candy

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I'm bored and have nothing better to do. Enjoy!

1. I chose the name Candy after Candy from Of Mice and Men. (Don't judge me, I created him and Lennie around the time I was reading it 😂)

2. Candy isn't his real name. It was a nickname that grew on him because his bluish green eyes looked like candy.

3. Candy used to be a sweet, laid back bean, but then I turned him into a smol angsty bean. Oops.

4. He's lactose intolerant.

5. I think he's my only OC with red hair?

6. Candy has roughly 7 or 8 adoptive mothers depending on the rp. In CC's kidnapped book, Laurel and Zaida were his moms. In Cats's kidnapped book, it was Breena and Grace(?). Then there were a few times that Baby was his mom, Maddie and I are currently doing an rp where Yulia is his mom, and I could've sworn December was his mom at some point. But because of the timeline, she'd be dead. Also I think Jane was his mom once too.

7. In kidnapped 3 when Zaida adopted him, it just kinda happened. He stayed with her one night and then I guess he never left?

8. Michael came to Candy in a dream to have him connect with Zaida so she would feel happier since Michael had died.

9. Candy has a therapy kitten. I forget his name   I think Dexter? Idk.

10. Like many of my OCs, I never really gave Candy a last name. Oof.

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