Resin (WoF) for @Stormspirit13

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Name: Resin +10 I really like her name, it's very unique

Age: 11 +10 I feel like nobody makes Ocs, like, not super young, but not old anymore, not even I do it,most of my Wings of Fire Ocs are young dragonets

Rank: Musician +10 I love music, also very unique I feel.

Looks: Resin is small, lean, and wiry. She has warm red-orange scales, buttery yellow underbelly, pale orange wings, and gold eyes. She has very nimble talons. She usually wears dark purple knit leg warmers on two front legs, pale grey silk scarf around neck, and a gold hoop earring on each ear. The scarf and legwarmers are for style :D +10 She sounds so pretty

Tribe: SkyWing +10 SkyWings are one of the most underused tribes, but not the most underused.

Mother: Her mother is Sparrow, a lean, brownish-red SkyWing with gold eyes. She is kind and caring. However, she's worried easily and was a tad overprotective of Resin. +10 She sounds like an amazing mother

Father: Her father is Peak, a muscular, dark orange SkyWing with amber eyes. He is funny and loving, but he can be a little embarrassing and is quite loud. +10 Just like any normal dad, even mine.

Siblings: None +10 I would love to have this many siblings, so yeah. 

Abilities: Fire, fast flight compared to other tribes +10 They are her tribes abilities

Animus: No +10 Thank goodness, I don't understand why everybody makes their Ocs animus dragons

Personality: Resin's introverted personality has made her very observant, and she's good at reading emotions. She has good manners and is respectful, and tries her hardest not to make anyone mad- especially at her. She likes being with her friends, but will normally stay silent while they talk, unless she really has something to share. However, she's sometimes forgotten, and she often wishes she was more talkative. It can be hard for her to make new friends, since she's so nervous. She's shy and quiet- a little too much. +10 So she's me? I would absolutely love to be her friend. 

Backstory: Resin hatched in the city surrounding the Sky Palace. She was very close to her parents and was very nervous when she first went to school. She was assigned to sit next to a SkyWing named Robin. Robin was really nice to her, and asked Resin if she wanted to sit together at lunchtime. Resin was surprised to discover that it wasn't just Robin she was sitting with- it was also Robin's friends. Robin, Meadowlark, Crag, Crow, and Pyre liked Resin, and accepted her into their friend group. Resin was really happy to have friends. About a year later, their school got a new music teacher. Her name was Alder. She encouraged every student to try an instrument. Not every dragonet kept going with music, but Resin and her friends each found one they loved. Robin played piano, Crag played cello, Meadowlark played viola, Crow played banjo, and Resin played fiddle. They decided to start a band, with Pyre writing music and being their manager. They weren't very good at first, but got better. When they were six, they were asked to play at a small local party. They happily accepted, and started playing for the public. When Resin turned ten, she moved into an apartment near her family with Robin and Meadowlark. Their band had really become professional, and it turned into their jobs. Resin loves the band, and hangs out with her friends all the time. She sometimes volunteers at the local library, as well. She's not sure what she'll do when she gets older, but she hopes to stay with her friends and family. + 10 Awwwww, she's so sweet, I love her.

This Oc belongs to 

Total- 120, I love her so much, like, she's perfect, but not in an annoying way, she seems like the dragon I would love to hang around with, she loves music, she's in a band. 100% the dragon I would want to be friends with, her friends a very lucky to have her as a friend.

(I feel like there's too many commas in that)

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