Miaru Hana - mOstly_aNime

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I'm sorry for being gone for so long but hey now I'm back! Today I will be doing @mOstly_aNime 's My Hero Academia OC, Miaru Hana. And Mostly is a macadamia cookie like me. 

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Name: Miaru Hana (美浦 花) 

Nice name, thanks for including the Japanese translation. 

Reason for Name: Miaru means beautiful bay, which is low-key related to her eyes (ocean blue). Hana because she has Hanahaki... I thought it would be funny...

That is a really beautiful name, whenever I make BNHA characters I just chose random names from google. 

Nickname: Hana-Chan 

Cute nickname! 

Reason for nickname: Because it's cute and Kirishima is the only one allowed to call her that. UwU. 

Rock boi is good. 

Hero Name: Gladiolus 

I like her hero name! 

Reason for Hero Name: Because it's a flower name, and it means the strength of character, honour and conviction, which she has (well, she has honour and conviction, she aspires to strengthen her character). 

I have included a picture of the gladiolus flower at the top of the post if you were wondering what it is. It's a really beautiful flower. 

Gender: Female 

I figured. 

Sexuality: Straight 

That's cool. I think that I make too many of my characters gay/bi/pan and not enough straight. 

Species: Human 

Unlike most people I know, it seems. 

Looks: Short, an slim/athletic build- she has to work harder than most students in 2-A cause her quirk isn't as strong. Waist length blond care- not golden blond, not silver blond, but somewhere in between. And ocean blue eyes- though they are sometimes described as sapphires, it depends on her mood. Fair unblemished skin, she takes very good care of her skin. 
She just has a cute face that most people want to pinch and squish- but let me tell ya, she will bite anyone except maybe Kirishima, who touches her face. Oils from people hands can clog pores and there is no way in hell she'll let that happen, and whatever happened to keeping your hands to yourself?

Very cute sounding character! And I noticed that she is in her second year. And I'm glad she is letting Rock Boi squish her face because that would be adorable. 

Personality: Very vulgar. Like she needs her mouth washed out with some heavy duty grease destroying soap. Screams and yells A LOT- usually in anger. As angry and vulgar she is, she isn't the one to hide any other emotion like Bakugo. She will, however, hide any self-doubting/destructive thoughts from anyone- which she has a lot of- and tries not to cry aroind other people, but sometimes she can't help it. She's very loyal to her friends and will do anything for them. She only teases them cause she loves them. If she hates you, she'll tell you straight to your face and will proceed to ignore you. Sarcasm is her mother tongue. Despite coming off rather strong, she's very loving, and actually like cute things- like bunnies. Cocky on the outside, insecure on the inside. She's basically an emotional rollercoaster. 

Someone, please tell Miaru that it's okay to cry, like soft things and not be the strongest. Some people sometimes need to hear this. 

-School: Uniform obviously. 
-Casual: White v-neck, black skinny jeans, black combat boots and sometimes, she'll wear a comfy hoodie- usually red or blue- or a black or brown leather jacket. 
-Hero Suit: A white bodysuit made of a durable, yet comfy and aerodynamic material- movement is very important- and has blue gladiolus flowers stitched up her sides, arms and legs- on the seams- black combat boots and gloves and a utility belt with knives, an extendable metal staff and canisters of her laughing gas. Plus some first aid items in case of emergencies, either for herself or people she's saved. Her suit is also resistant, but not invulnerable to, damage caused by sharp objects. Can not deflect bullets, but can slow them down upon contact to help prevent lethal damage. Heat and cold resistant.

Amazing sounding hero outfit. And I like how you used the flowers. 

Age: 15 

The usual age for UA students, in the first year. Shouldn't she be 16 or 17 by now? 

Height: 158cm (1.58 metres). 

She is the same height as Tokoyami. 

Blood Type: B 

I don't really care about blood type but that is really cool! 

Birthday: 28th of August - Virgo. 

Fun fact! On the 28th of August is race your mouse day! But I'm not sure what kind of mouse it is. 

Quirk: Delirium- She emits a colourless, scentless sort of laughing gas from her skin that makes people delirious and silly. 

Laughing gas is a cool idea! 

Favourite Things: Bunnies and doodling. 

Bunnies are adorable and fluffy, but in Australia, it is extremely difficult to own one. Because they are a pest in every state and are outright illegal in Queensland. So yeah, I've never owned one. 

Least Favourite Things: Annoying people, black coffee- who in their right mind drinks something so bitter? And maths- it is the devil's work. 

I have the same disinterests as Miaru. Cool, coolcoolcool. 

Fears: Drowning, being buried alive, tight spaces. 

I hate drowning as well, it is terrifying. 

-Best: Kirishima Eijiro, Bakugo Katsuku, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Shinsou Hitoshi. 
-Not Best: Uraraka Ochako, Midoria Izuku, Iida Tenya, Jirou Kyoka.

I've heard that Shinsou gets more development in the manga, and I so badly want to read more of it. 

-Mother: Miaru Akiko (
秋子 -means Autumn child). She has shoulder length, wavy burnt orange hair and soft hazel eyes. Lots of freckles, olive skin, a bit curvy, kinda short. Very kind, loyal, loving, calm and is very expressive with her emotions. Kinda laid back and lets negativity roll of her back. A cheeky little shit. A definite 'deredere'. Likes Autumn, sweet things and fluffy things. 
-Father: Miaru Ichirou ( -means one son). Very headstrong, vulgar and screams a lot- basically where Hand gets most of her personality traits from. The root of all sarcasm. He's kinda sensitive, but he'll only let Akiko and Hanna see that part of him. Likes expressing his masculinity- thought not in a toxic way. Fair skin, sapphire eyes, buzzed blond hair, tall and very athletically built. 'Tsundere'. Likes really spicy food.

I LOVE spicy food, and so does my parents, and my grandparents. Yep, a full family of spicy food lovers. 

-Mineta- Everyone hates him so no surprise there.

Yeah, understandable. 

Fighting Style: Likes close up hand-to-hand combat. She has an advantage this way because of her quirk. If she has to, she'll distance herself and fight with her staff. 

Nice fighting style! 

Book: OF Lungs and Flower Petals {Kirishima Eijiro}

I'll be sure to check it out sometime, but are there any spoilers for the manga? I am still reading the manga. 

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Okay so after a long consideration I have counted up all of your points and here is your score: 


To get that 100/100 you just need to adjust the age a little. Because they are 15/16 during their first year. 16/17 during the second year. 17/18 during the third year. 

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Word Count: 1206 Words.

See you all later! 


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