Re-review 1 // Zerania Marie Umber

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Foxshade05 wanted me to take a look at their creepypasta oc after they've edited it, so here we go!

My comments will be in bold

Basics and grounding

I see that you've added inspirations to this character, using inspiration can really help a character come into it's own, as long as the traits aren't completely copied.

Character information

(Tomboy isn't really something that should be put in gender as it's more of a personality trait since the character doesn't identify as a boy.)

It's great to see that you've taken into consideration what I've said and adapted your character. There's a large improvement here already! But, there is still the issue with personality, whilst it's a lot better than it was, there is still some clashing characteristics. Such as 'flustered easily' but she's 'lewd/perverted'. I recommend going over all of the traits and just making sure it works together.

Also smart move aging her up, this makes what she does a lot more believable.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not the biggest fan of Clockwork for multiple reasons, but what obsession does she have that would effect this character? Remember in the 'canon' creepypastas (I use that term very loosely because any pasta that gets big becomes canon) they don't interact in their stories and it's only in Nina and Jane's stories where it's confirmed they exist in the same universe as Jeff. People might ship Clockwork with Ticcy Toby (including the creator but we don't talk about that because it ruins the character) or other popular pastas, but in her story she doesn't interact with any of them.

This leads me onto my next point, be very careful in this universe making your character friends with canon. I didn't mention this in the last review because I was focused on your character and not her interactions with others. These are murderous and sociopathic people and entities we're talking about here. Whilst I might not be the biggest fan of the larger creepypasta characters, the fans and stigma around them have made them seem less dangerous then they would actually be in real life. Let's take Jeff for example, he went completely insane to the point of murdering his entire family. There is a story where he tries to attack and kill slenderman. There is no doubt in my mind that these guys probably wouldn't interact with eachother, and if they did, they'd be at eachothers throat. As someone who has a creepypasta oc myself, I understand the appeal of making them friends with the big guys. If you ever end up writing her story and keep friends with these guys, then you will have to make it well written and there will probably have to be a fight of some kind. Remember, Slender mansion is more of a fan thing then a canon. If you're not going for 100% horror and this is just for fun, then go ham with having your character be friends with these guys, but if we're following the canon personality of these guys, then this wouldn't work as well.


Again, careful with the whole living with creepypastas thing, but apart from that, this is a large improvement and well thought out and planned. I don't quite understand why you gave her air powers when everything implied that she only used weapons, but I guess that since there's some kind of explanation it's fine.


I'm glad to see that you've added an explanation to everything because that makes her feel more realistic, and the more real, the scarier.


These stats are certainly an improvement of what they used to be, but rounded up or down, most of these would still be in the higher range of things, so just be careful with that.

Final thoughts
A lot of effort has been put into these changes and it's really added to the character. Some more additions and changes here and there could really add to this character and make her even better. Despite that, I'm proud that you took what I said into consideration and improved her on a way that has greatly improved this character, so really good job!!

*My critiques are simply at your request and to help improve your character. It is not my intention to cause any offence and you of course do not have to listen to what I've said. This us all just a bit of fun and I apologise if I have done any kind of damage*

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