Tip Series: Backstories (Tragic Version)

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Creating the backstory/biography (bio for short) of a character is often loved or the most hated part. As for me, I love it and is one of my favorite parts in creating an OC. However, far too often do I see others brush over it without giving many details. I'm hoping to give some pointers on how to create a good backstory.

In a four part dissection of backstories, I will be going over tragic backstories, backstories in general (relationships, world building, and etc.), cliches to avoid, and some easy tips I use to make backstories more easily.


Tragic backstories are actually... Good to use.

Now before you all raise your pitchforks, not all tragic backstories are good. Some are too unbelievable (like the character had their entire family murdered, they were experimented on, bullied, their city burnt to the ground, their "friends" are mean to them, and is suicidal. A bit much, no?). I just mean that if done right, they will be amazing and make for very interesting characters.

Glaring problems with tragic backstories, that aren't done well, is that the tragedies aren't given a believable reason to happen. Flaws and weaknesses are not created from those events either (and they stay for a long period of time. Not a temporary flaw that will last a couple of days).

So, would you ever walk away from a person who almost killed you without PTSD? Would you have someone kidnap you and then not experience paranoia whenever someone is around you? Also adding onto that trust issues? Not at all. I surely wouldn't be able to nonetheless walk around like nothing happened.

As for a believable reason, I will be using Evian Creswell from one of my books as an example:

(Ex.) Evian's backstory includes being born into a time of political collapse. The concubine war, where females had children with the leader of a council to stay in power, is one of the events during that time. Told by his mother to kill his half siblings so she is the most favored with the leader, he has done that. Of course, this environment has made him cynical and distrusts others (so much so that he intentionally disconnects himself from any emotions). Also, he develops an intense hatred of the mothers that are connected to the concubine war. He suffers from vivid nightmares from his time during the war.

Don't just list the events like what you would do in a history class. Go into detail and tell me how your character reacted to it and how they dealt with it.

Another tip, avoid using rape, sexual abuse, incest, or pedophilia. 

Trust me. It's a subject that most would rather avoid. If done wrong, it will insult so many people (myself included) and it makes you look like an insensitive jerk. Romanticizing this is NOT okay. No one recovers from rape in two days. It takes months and even YEARS to recover. Nothing is cured by the power of love by the way~

Give them a goal.

No one wants to see an OC wallow in despair forever. They need to have a goal to reach. Whether it is by killing a certain person, saving up money to move to a new town, or going to a therapist to try to improve their condition, it's all good. Just be sure to give them a goal to aim for and I promise you that it will vastly improve your tragic backstories.

(Ex.) Evian deep inside wants to be a happy family with his half siblings but he cannot with the concubine war going on. The protagonist of the book will meet him and he is offered a chance to stop it (though he is very reluctant since well... He will be executed if they fail to overthrow the leader and he cares about living. Plus going against his half siblings isn't exactly a walk through the park either.).

Don't have your character cut unless it will actually add to their character.

So many times have I seen a character do it because "it's cool". No, it's not cool. And no it's not fun and games. It's serious and if I read this addition to a character I expect serious consequences in the backstory that led them to this or as a result of them cutting. 

Before you go like, "Oh you're just being nit picky," I have done this before. Learn from my mistakes!

This is a big one. Don't create a tragic backstories to get others to feel sorry for your character.

If you create tragic backstories to get others to feel sorry for your character, I'm sorry but creators like you are the reason why tragic backstories get a bad reputation. Tragic backstories should be used as character development, a driving force behind their motivations, and the reward when overcoming it is all the more sweeter. Please, if you do it to get sympathy don't do it anymore. I'm not sympathizing with the character. It's making me roll my eyes with how overdone it is. 

Last one. Ask yourself how much tragic backstory your character actually needs.

Ask yourself if the whole school needs to bully your character when it can just be a few (and still be as powerful). Subtle jabs are your best friend. We tend to sympathize better when things aren't so extreme (I have experience with this as a reader haha). 

An example I will give is the typical parents verbally abusing the child. Most of us will not have the parent wish we weren't born. Instead, most of us will sympathize with this, "I wish you were more like your older brother," or "Your friend is so outgoing. You should be more like them." stuff like those that make you feel insecure and wonder if you really suck that much. This is a lot more powerful and more of us readers can relate.

As for how to gauge whether you have too much, it's why I'm here~ However, there are other viable sources like your readers! They will tell you whether or not they think it's unbelievable or not. Well, the ones who are nitpicks like me anyway. 


Has this chapter helped you? Comment down below your experience with creating tragic backstories. I am taking requests to go over a specific topic or something that you have trouble with. After all I am here to help~

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