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Name: Auto
Age: looks to be in her 20s
Gender: female
Species: futuristic android
Sexuality: Unknown. Most likely ace?
Ethnicity: British
Appearance: Image above. Eyes are blue, and her hair is a dark brown. She has an LED on both sides of her head which helps if she's conveying 'emotions' i.e. anger, sadness. But it also helps with tracking things and if she's in need of repairs/if she's damaged, as it will pulse red. She also has green 'blood' and has pale skin.
Likes: stars, tinkering with devices, helping others with the mission, Glitch, the Commander, her home (the ship)
Dislikes: being annoyed or interrupted, robot-racism/bigotry, chances of being dismantled
Family (if applicable): No known family, but she considers her Commander Tyler and engineer, Glitch, a part of her family
Powers (if applicable): scanners and advanced futuristic tech/weaponry i.e. radars, lasers in eyes, tech-savvy, strong, fast, can survive in space
Personality: stern, loyal, analytical, curious, cold, caring and sisterly to people who know her well, polite, brave, a little reckless sometimes. When really happy or excited, she almost possesses a childlike attitude and smiles more than usual.
Other: She was programmed as a futuristic piece of military hardware, working in space alongside a crew against anything that threatens the earth. When on the ship or on earth, she also likes writing and sketching things; mainly stuff to do with sci-fi or fantasy if it's not mission-based.

(A/N; Auto is technically a Sona, like my character Scorpio, and was inspired from when I was a teenager and I went to a laserquest party with friends. There my guy-friend made The Commander, or Commander Tyler, and my gal-pal best friend made the engineer, Glitch. We were planning to make sketches or comics with them, but I'm not that good at drawing comics.)

Scenario 1; Lost in space. That's what you would be, without any of your crew or even your escape pod, crash landed on a distant planet without any means of getting back. (Whether you're damaged or not, is up to you.)
As you push yourself up from the dirt, you saw flashes of light and heard loud voices, and as your eyes adjusted you could see three beings leading a small crew of engineers and soldiers through the world, seeming to look around for something.

"Commander! a survivor is nearby. I'll go and find them" came a voice from one of the three in front, and before you knew it, a figure in a white jacket and white boots was walking towards you.
You scoot back, only to find yourself pressed against a large rock-face, gazing up into a pair of blue eyes.
The seemingly human(?) being extended a gloved hand to you, keeping a straight face, though a very faint ghost of a smile was on her lips.

"You do not need to be afraid, I'm here to help" she informed you.
The backs of her gloves had the word "ANDROID" printed on them.

What do you do?

Scenario 2; Make it up!

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