Marvel OC

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Name: better known as Viper

Age: 24

Gender: female

Species: mutant

Sexuality: lesbian

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Appearance: (see above)

Likes: snakes, climbing trees, going on walks, rock or oriental music, space

Dislikes: being called a "hero" (it's not really her thing), traitors, people annoying her or Draco

Family (if applicable): unknown

Powers (if applicable): says in the picture above

Personality: at the best of times she is sassy, chilled out and friendly, but has a dark sense of humour. When mad, her foe meets the sharp end of her vocabulary or fangs. But it's hard to get her mad, unlike Draco (see below)

Other: has a pet serpent called Draco, who bit her in the first place and gave her her powers. She lives in a small and cheap apartment in New York, and worked by creating street art, busking and doing odd jobs before the anti-hero/vigilante job. She still does odd jobs every now and then to earn extra cash, using makeup and contacts to hide her eyes and scales

(Ik, Ik, she needs work)

Scenario 1: make it up! (Will put some scenarios when I think of them)

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