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1) Absolutely no god-moding! You control your character, I control mine
2) Please rp in third person, and make your response more than a few words.

Example: "It was dark. A cavernous void of freezing air and dripping water from the rocks above. The miner, however, pressed on through the cave with a flickering flame in his lantern"

3) please censor swearing i.e. "f***"
4) hate the character, not the rper. I will not tolerate bullying out of character under any circumstances. If you do bully others out of character, you will be immediately banned and the chain deleted.
5) no Mary Sues or Gary Stus. Your character needs to have some flaws. Though some of my characters could be seen as complex, they have their flaws and fears
6) regarding shipping; if you wanna ship and our characters click and have chemistry, there isn't any reason why we shouldn't ship them.
7) have fun!! :3

Password: what is your favourite song?

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