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Grey soul of Deceit

Fighting technique:

Splits into 4 to trick attacks


Attack: Game console ( 0 attack, Bc this soul does not fight, but provides KR )

Defense: Headphones 🎧 ( 10 defense )

Backstory: Their story takes place before and after the barrier is broken and monsters and humans are living in peace.
"This soul usually comes with a trait of lying to one's self or others to ensure the feeling of safety" -W.D. Gaster, ???
Deceit was born to a normal pair of parents, just 5 years before monsters broke the barrier. It was their birthday,
As they and their friends ate thirds of cake, they heard a pleasant knock on the door. As their mother opened the door, everything went slowly. They looked over, seeming to be in slow motion, and saw a small child. Behind that small child, was a tall, furry, white, monster in a purple dress. Their mother screamed, shut the door, and ordered everyone to the basement.
Five years later......

First Person POV

My name is Andy. That's short for Andrea. It's been 5 years since the monsters broke the barrier, and I'm ten. My parents gave me over to the monsters and Frisk when I tried to convince them they were good. My great granddad fought them, which makes me very disappointed in my past. So now I live with Alphys and Undyne. They're the best moms I could ask for. Alphys is a dork like me, and Undyne is super cool and protects me from some rude monsters at Toriel's school. Me and Frisk are best friends, with Papyrus as a close second. But all this does not make a story. The action started the year they came. My parents had already handed me over, as it was 9 months later. Frisk asked me to come with them back to Mt. Ebbot, which was close, by the way, to find a couple monsters that were left behind. I agreed, kissed my moms goodbye, had some crying moments with my monster friends, especially Papi, and we were off. Oh, forgot to say, but I considered MTT my brother, and he broadcasted my goodbyes. Haha, he's hilarious. Oh, and Toriel, being the clingy per- monster she is, she tried to convince Frisk and I to stay. We declined but gave her hugs and Frisk gave her kisses. THEN, we left. We walked and talked, mostly about school-meaning we sang the doubles song over and over-when we arrived at the Mountain. We hesitated for a moment but moved on, memorizing our doubles. Now I'm in Fifth grade memorizing how to divide fractions. Keep, change, flip! Yeah that's the action! Everybody's gonna know how we're dividing fractions!🎵Everything was easy back then.....Uh, anyway, we climbed to the hole and jumped in. I was hesitant, but Frisk went in quickly. We screamed as we fell and I hurt my knee real bad. I limped my way around a corner and saw a flower. "Don't talk to him!" Frisk warned. We went past him quietly as he was sleeping. We explored the ruins thoroughly, only finding a couple Froggits and Vegitoids. I went to the spider bake sale room to look, while Frisk explored elsewhere. Here's where I was REAL stupid. I walked in and found a pile of dust. I, being the idiotic 5 year old I was, ate some thinking it was sugar. Ugh, it hurts to think of it. But, as I walked out with the gross taste in my mouth I started floating! I had gained POWERS from MONSTER DUST!! Now, I know this kind of sounds like I'm some Mary Sue Character, but it happened, and now I use my powers to grab drinks and such. Anyway Frisk and I grabbed a spider that they spotted in there ( well, more like frisk cuz I was super scared ) and headed off to Snowdin. While passing through, we saw Snowdrake and his mother. She scared the living soul out of me! No joke I turned to dust! ( I use that power to scare people ) But they tagged along. Snowdin was probably one of the best parts of the trip because of how many puns there were. Frisk and I couldn't stop laughing! Anyway, we went onward to Waterfall. Now, this place was THE SCARIEST PART. And boy, lemme tell ya why! Ok, so with our group of monsters ( the spider giving me the evil eye and snowdrakes mom leaving a trail of...stuff ) we were on our way through ( the extremely humid ) Waterfall, when we saw a door. Frisk told everyone but me to stay out of there. So we walked in. Nothing. They told me to stand still and wait when BOOM! MELTY MAN WITH FLOATIN HANDS JUST, POOF, APPEARS! This time I almost pooped myself! No. Joke. So he said really weirdly "He-llo Ch-il-dren" And while I was having a mental breakdown, frisk was excited it could talk! They were all like "Gaster! W.D. Gaster! Hi! Come with us we can help you!" And I was like "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG" So he slowly came with us. I asked Frisk what he was and they said something like "An old scientist, and I think Sans and Papyrus's Dad!" But they whispered that so Gaster didn't hear. So then Frisk told me to roll up my sweater sleeves because we were in Hotland. It was really hot. Like, REALLY hot. But we went on. Oh, no, THIS was the scariest part. So we picked up a Vulkin and when we got to the Steam Boosts, things got bad. So, Frisk went first to try to show me how it was done. But I closed my eyes and ran, thinking it would work either way. I ran off the edge. And fell. And fell. And fell. Until finally, a hand caught me and pulled me up! Gaster ( the one I was scared of ) HAD JUST SAVED MY LIFE! THANK THE ACTUAL AND LITERAL ANGELS FOR THIS! I was crying ( of course ) and scared ( duh ) so Gaster carried me like a baby. I think I fell asleep cuz I don't remember much after that. Except! I saw that flower from earlier. And souls. Souls? SOULS?! I got only a tad bit scared... Frisk gave them to the flower and, after much praying, there was a glow of light, then a monster that looked a lot like Toriel and Asgore. Except in a sweater like mine, but green with a yellow stripe. He said his name was Asriel, and greeted Frisk and Gaster with hugs. We introduced ourselves to each other and climbed up and down back home. The only two who stayed with us were Gaster and Asriel. Gaster looked sad, but we told him we'd take him somewhere. We took Asriel to Toriel and Asgore, who were gardening at the school they  gave him so many hugs and kisses, and cried a lot. They said they were so thankful everyone came out alive. Both Toriel and Asgore greeted Gaster, once again with tears. Then, we moved on to the Skele-bros house. Gaster said he'd stay out of the conversation for a bit. So, we went in and asked them if they knew any one named W.D. Gaster. They both fell silent. I started to think maybe they weren't related.
One of Sans's eyes glowed a faint  purple, and both of Papyrus's glowed the same color. Sans said "Uh, yeah, why?" Frisk told them the story. They asked for him to come in, but once he did we had to leave. Gaster now lives in their basement, so I'm guessing they got along. So.. yeah. That's that story. I can tell more about my life sometimes, if you want. Thanks for reading, if you did guys. And Mettaton, please don't put this on your show, ok? I'd like to keep this journal just to us.

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