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(A/N) ok! Now the second one!

Name: Maximilian De la Rosa

Age: 28

Gender : Male

Power: Darkness, Fire, Earth

Family: His twin Sister and her family

Apparence : dark wave raven hair, red eyes, wear a dark suit with a red tie and a black fedora.

Likes: his twin, science, being alone, coffee

Dislikes: People that badmouth her Sister, annoying people and hate people disturbing his work

Background : like her twin, Max was adopted along by the covent. He protect Isabelle since the death of their parents. He's greatest power is Darkness. Dark magic is His forte. He would use it to anyone that try to hurt her sister. (He have a siscon personality)He is also a science person. He enjoy create new stuff and discover new wonder of the magic. He also study alchemist. He create a book which he put all his discovery and work. He have once a wife and a baby girl but they pass away. They were kill by the people that thought he could trust. He lost his mind and he kill every people that was involve of their murdered. He could have continue his rampage if it wasn't her sister that stop him. After that accident, he is only devote for His sister. For him, his sister is the only reason he didn't lose completly his mind, which worry her sister.

(A/N) yes, this character is insane... I try to make him a insane evil person that doesn't care if it's have to kill to get to his goal...

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