Majesty - Jaspie (Part 2)

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(Warning: Contains some graphic descriptions and blood.)

(I lost all motivation to finish this I'm sorry Kumy-)

<-Maxie's POV->

I groaned aloud as Jasper and I walked down the hallway to the throne room. I wore my black and gold uniform, mostly out of a non-existent respect for my father, and a red cape mostly for flair. I would be lying if I said I was even a little bit honored that my dad wanted to talk to me for once. He was the type of dad you could resent just for being there for you. A war-crazy tyrant, feared by all citizens and kingdoms alike. It was that kind of ruling that I hated.

I wanted a peaceful place where people could be safe from that kind of fear. A place where everyone got enough to eat every day and had money to support their family. There was a massive gap made by my father I needed to fill. And I felt that burden grow heavier every day...

But since I saved Jasper and his sister, Lucina, I felt like I could bear that weight for anything. They both have a way of helping me, Lucina's constant complaining was both hilarious and pointed out faults in the system, and Jasper's kindness and caring nature helped me feel so refreshed. With them with me, I could easily fix so much my father caused once I became king.

I smiled softly, and Jasper glanced at me. "What is it, my prince? You seem happy," he questioned, and I chuckled slightly.

"I'm just glad to have you here with me. All these years... you stood by my side. I don't know how to repay you," I replied, and a light blush appeared on Jasper's face.

"Y-your Highness, you don't need to repay me! Just your courtesy for Lucina and me is enough of a payment!" He stuttered out, and I laughed. I'm glad I have a friend like him.


"Absolutely not!"

My father gave me an irritated look. "Son, you need to select a suitor from one of the other kingdoms. Otherwise, we cannot grow stronger as a nation!" He growled, and I shook my head again.

"With all due respect-" Which was none. "- I don't want to marry because you say so! I'll marry when I think I've found the person I love!" I retorted, and my father's face darkened with anger.

I'll be honest, my father looks like he died and nobody told him. He's only 50, and he is ugly as hell. Looks like he's 90, no lie. I'd make fun of his wrinkles if he wasn't pissed at me. "Love has nothing to do with the greater good of the kingdom!" he said lowly, looming over me intimidatingly. My ears flipped back, flat against my head, but I still glared at him.

"You will learn from me, and you will continue my rein, whether you like it or not!" He continued, and I tilted my head towards the ground. I glanced back at Jasper, a look of fear in his eyes as he stared at the tiled floor. Anger surged through me, and I looked back up at my father.


My father looked startled. "What?"

"I said, 'No'! I'm not going to abide by your idiotic 'rule' any longer! I want to rule this kingdom the way I want to! And once you are gone, there will be nothing you can do to stop me from doing so!" I shouted, stepping forward towards my father's throne. The guards staggered back, startled.

Fury bubbled in my father's eyes. I returned the infuriated glare, and I'm pretty certain it turned into a standoff.

We probably stood for a good few seconds before I heard a low chuckle. It grew louder and louder until my father stood up and it rose to a deafening cackle. I stepped back, almost tripping. I moved to stand back beside Jasper, who looked as afraid as I felt. Why is he... laughing?

"Foolish child! You defy your father?! Don't you know I have power over your very life?!" The old man laughed, and I felt Jasper push against me. "You and your idiotic ideology! The strong and rich will always rule over the weak and poor!"

I stared up at him, eyes wide with fear and shock. What was wrong with him? He had never acted this way, even when he was far more upset with him.

What was happening?

I knew almost instantly after something collided with my jaw.

I hit the floor hard, and Jasper gasped, instinctively kneeling beside me. "Y-you're Majesty!?" he stuttered, placing a hand on my shoulder and another in the side of my face. "Are you alright?"

I just coughed, trying to sit up. I really should have expected that, since my dad did have some... "violent tendencies". However, it wasn't the time he usually hit me, so that's probably why I didn't expect it.

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