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This is based from an RP me and Twilight did



Crimson: Haha no


Crimson was about to reach Takashi when her phone rang.

Crimson: *answers the call*

Takashi: Phew

*On the call*

Mrs. Moon: Crimson! Glad I can talk to my daughter again!

Crimson: Hi Mom!

Mrs. Moon: I missed you, when will you visit?

Crimson: How about today? I wanna go back home anyways

Mrs. Moon: Great! See you sweetie!

*Call ended*

Crimson: Welp, I'm going back to my parent's house today

Takashi: Bye then

Crimson: Wanna come with?

Takashi: I'm not sure about that, I never even went to your place before, where is it?

Crimson: In another dimension

Takashi: Is it safe to bring Kichiro along?

Crimson: Of course! Most people there love cats!

Takashi: Alright then, I'll go grab Kichiro

Crimson: Bring along some clothes too, they're probably gonna insist on us staying there overnight

Takashi: Sure

*With Takashi*

Takashi: Kichiro get up!

Kichiro: *groans*

Takashi: Wake up!

Kichiro: No

Takashi: We're gonna leave

Kichiro: Leave on your own

Takashi: Crimson will be ther-

Kichiro: *packs bags*  Takashi, your so slow come on!

Takashi: ...

*With Crimson*

Crimson: Now, I need to give them some souvenirs from here

Leo, coming out of the kitchen: *has a tray of cookies*

Crimson: Bandage! Can I have some cookies?

Leo: Why?

Crimson: It's for my mom and dad

Leo: Are they mean?

Crimson: Nope! They're so caring

Leo: Take all of this and I have more in the cookie jar

Crimson: Thanks!

Crimson: Everything ready?

Takashi: Yup, I packed everything I need, clothes, soap, Takoyaki

Crimson: Let's go!

She opened up a portal that led to her dimension. They stepped in and the cold breeze hit them.

Kichiro: There's some snow, isn't it still Autumn?

Crimson: Winter is earlier and longer here

Takashi: *sneezes*

Crimson, whispering to Kichiro: Kitten sneeze

Kichiro: Pfft

Takashi: ?

Crimson: Anyways, their house is two streets away from here

Takashi: Oka-

Crimson scooped up some snow and threw it at Takashi then ran away carrying Kichiro.

Takashi wiped away the snow on his face. He grabs a snowball and throws it at Crimson, which hit the back of her head.

Crimson: This is war!

She started to throw some more snowballs at Takashi, he threw back.  Kichiro turned into his human form and threw a lot of it around hitting everything like trees, houses,the neighbor's mailbox.

A boy with light blue hair was accidentally hit by a snowball by Takashi.

Takashi: Oops, sorry!

Ash: It's okay

Crimson: Ash?

Ash: Crimson?

Ash: Dude, how'd you been! It's been so long! I missed you to be honest

Crimson: Lol, missed you too

Kichiro: You know each other?

Crimson: Yup! This is Ash, my best friend!

Ash: Nice to meet you!

Takashi: Hi, I'm Takashi

Kichiro: I'm Kichiro!

Crimson: Look! You're both blueberries!

Takashi: Seriously, drill head?

Crimson: Haha

Ash: Wanna come inside?

Crimson: Later, I'm visiting my parents first

Ash: Aw, okay

Crimson: See you soon!

Ash: Bye!

The three continued walking until they reached a mansion like house.

Takashi: Is this this one?

Crimson: Mmhm

She rang the doorbell. The door was opened by a lady with an eye patch. She hugged Crimson tightly.

Mrs. Moon: Sweetie! How'd you been?

Crimson: I'm fine, mom. ^^

Mrs. Moon: Who's your friends?

Crimson: the blue one is Takashi, and the catboy is Kichiro

Mrs. Moon: Nice to meet you

Mrs. Moon: Come on in!

They stepped in and sat on the couch.

Mrs. Moon: You dad is in the kitchen preparing our food

Crimson stood up and walked to the kitchen to greet her father.

Mrs. Moon: So, Takashi was it?

Takashi: Yes, Ma'am

Mrs. Moon: Are you and my daughter in a relationship with each other?

Takashi: W-what? Sorry, No

Mrs. Moon: Ah, I see

Kichiro: *yawns*

Kichiro: It's chilly

Mrs. Moon: Come here, cat boy

Kichiro went to Mrs. Moon and she hugged him to warm him up.

Mr. Moon came out of the kitchen carrying the food with his 3 arms.

Takashi: He h-has three arms?!

Crimson: Yeah

Mrs. Moon: Go on to the dining table, I'll um

Mrs. Moon: Excuse me for a moment

Mrs. Moon Took off her eye patch.

Takashi: What's going on?

Kichiro, already eating: //shrugs

She then gauged her eye out and took out a piece of paper from her eye hole.

Takashi's eyes widened.

Crimson: Relax, this is normal

Takashi: N-normal?!

Takashi: (I am not used to this)

Mr. Moon: Ash, come on, sit with us!

Crimson: Dad, that isn't Ash

Mr. Moon: Whoops, sorry I got confused with the hair

Mr. Moon: They're both blueberries

Takashi: (even his dad calls me a blueberry -_-)

Mrs. Moon: Takashi, can you tell us something about yourself?

Takashi: Me? I don't really have anything to say

Mrs. Moon: Really? There must be something

Takashi: Well, my parents aren't here anymore and my sister is gone too

Takashi: *sighs*

Crimson slides a cookie to Takashi.

Takashi: ?

Crimson: have a cookie to be happy

Takashi: Doesn't do much but thanks anyway

Crimson's phone started buzzing so she picked it up.

(Messages from Ash)

Ash: Crimson

Ash: Crimson

Ash: Are you coming over?

Ash: You said "later" earlier

Ash: please :<

Crimson: okay Ash, just finishing up my food

Ash: yay! :>


Mrs. Moon: *chuckles* your friend misses you a lot

Crimson: Lol yeah

Mrs. Moon: Better go see him then

Crimson: See you later, Mom!

Kichiro: Are you gonna leave us?

Crimson: Nope, you're coming along with me

Kichiro: Yay!

Kichiro: Also, I think Takashi's too creeped out, pretty sure he can't handle it anymore

Takashi: What was that?

Kichiro: Nothing

The three stood up and left while Mr. Moon brought their luggage upstairs where they'll be sleeping.

*At Ash's place*

Crimson: Heyyy Ash!

Ash: Crimson! Wanna play videogames?

Crimson: Of course!

Ash: One on One let's go!

They picked up the gaming consoles and sat in the floor while Takashi laid down on the couch and started sleeping.

Kichiro: Takashi, play with me!

Takashi: No thanks

Kichiro: You're boring

Takashi: Whatever

Kichiro: Can I join you two?

Ash: Sure!

Crimson: Here, take my place, I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a sec

Ash: You're pretty good at this for a beginner

Kichiro: Thanks! I just randomly press the buttons though haha

Ash: Lmao I was like that before, my bf would teach me some proper moves to make me better

Kichiro: Bf? As in best friend or boyfriend?

Ash: Boyfriend

Kichiro: Ohhh, who's your boyfriend?

Ash: His name is James. He's me and Crimson's childhood friend

Kichiro: That's nice!

James: Heya Ash, I'm back

Ash went to James and gave him a big hug.

Ash: This is James

James: Hello there!

Kichiro: hi!

Crimson: Heya James!

James: ^^

James: Who's the other blue head?

Crimson: That's Takashi, he's my friend

Kichiro: Hey guys look

Takashi: *still asleep* Dang it Kichiro, stop taking my headphones

Ash: He's sleep talking

Kichiro: Yeah he does that sometimes

James: I'll get the popcorn

Crimson: *takes out phone* I'mma record this

Takashi: Stop it Shinju, for the last time, I'm not gonna ask Crimson out

Ash: Pfft, he probably likes Crimson

Crimson: Psh, I'd say no

Ash: Lol you're harsh

Takashi: Dammit Atsushi, I am NOT gonna tell you what happened to me yesterday, mind you won business Mr. Perfect

James: Who?

Crimson: *takes some popcorn* his brother

Takashi: You again, I'm seriously tiered of you, stop hunting us down and get a life


James: XD

Ash: Lmao drill head

Kichiro: You actually enjoy this?

Crimson, Ash, and James: Yes

Kichiro: Lol

Takashi: Wait, is that a novel? About Vampire Demons? Omg I need that, I'll get my wallet now

James: Sounds interesting

Takashi: Crimson, why the heck are you wearing a wedding dress in the middle of the dessert?!

Crimson: wtf

Ash: Is your friend high or something?

James: Pfft Hahaha

Takashi started to wake up.

Crimson: Abort mission! ABORT MISSION

The four ran away from Takashi, leaving Blueberry confused.

James: You got the video?

Crimson: Lol yes

Ash: Haha send it

Takashi: Send what?

Ash: Um.. nothing

Takashi: *narrows eyes* really?

Kichiro: *jumps on Takashi*

Takashi, on the floor: *Dammit Kichiro, get off me! You're much heavier in this form!

Kichiro steals Takashi's jacket and runs off. He chased the cat boy in order to retrieve his jacket.

Takashi: Give if back!

Kichiro: Catch me if you can!

Takashi: Kichiro!!!

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