Blossoming Sakura

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Response for the Q and A announcement

Questions and Dares from: SweetPinkBlush25  

Dares first:



Timmy: I dare the vampire to cook his own meal

Adrien: Sounds easy enough

Oliver: Sir, you can't even tie your own shoes, how are you supposed to cook for yourself?

Adrien: Don't underestimate me, Oliver, I know what I'm doing

Adrien went to the kitchen while Timmy watched him. The vampire grabbed a bunch of ingredients from the fridge and cupboard.

He was going to make some cupcakes. He didn't know exactly how much flour to use, some he winged it and poured half of the small bag's contents in.

After almost an hour or two, the cupcakes were done. He bit into one but unfortunately the cupcake was as hard as rocks.

Oliver: "Easy" huh?

Adrien: Fine, I admit it. I can't prepare food

Timmy: Called it



Blackberry: Oliver, face your biggest fear

Oliver: Fears......well, I am afraid of two things: Madison and beetles

Adrien: Beetles? You fought a gigantic beast once and you're afraid of a tiny insect???

Oliver: You don't understand, they're disgusting to look at

Adrien: Lucas, call your maid

Lucas: You have no right to tell me what to do--

Adrien kicked him on the side.

Adrien: Just call her already!

Lucas: Ack- Fine!

Lucas ordered his maid to arrive. A few seconds later, Madison showed up with a beetle in her hands.

Madison: Sir Lucas, look! I have found a beetle in our garden

Lucas: Do I look like I care about an insect-- Hey, Adrien, where did your servant go?

The vampire looked around the area, Oliver wasn't there. Some debree fell on his head so he looked up to see where it came from.

On the ceiling, Oliver was standing there upside down while trembling.

Lucas: What a coward

Adrien: Shut up, he's more capable than your servant anyways

Lucas: How dare you-

He sealed Lucas' mouth using some tape.

Adrien: I said shut up.



Carlos: Hey, Kasuke, you gotta act optimistic for a day

Kasuke:, basically the opposite of what I do everyday?

Calix: Yep

Kasuke: I'm gonna fail- wait, no....I'm gonna good?

Carlos: Try being more upbeat

Kasuke: That's difficult, but I guess I should try

Carlos: I know you can do it ^^

Kasuke: A-arigato



Timmy: Elsie and Calix have to switch roles for the day

Calix: So she's gonna have my masochism? No fair, I love that trait of mine

Elsie: What's "masochism"?

Timmy: It's--

Ren: Don't....tell her any weird....answer

Timmy: Hmph

Calix: I'll explain it, after all, I am a professional at it

Calix: Masochism is when you like feeling hurt

Elsie: Ohh..Wait- why do you like being hurt? Pain is awful

Calix: Well, pain gives me a tingling sensation. I enjoy it a lot. Which reminds me....

Calix took out a baseball bat from a box. He resisted the urge to hit himself with it and instead gave it to Elsie.

Calix: You're gonna need this. Go on, try it out. Hit yourself

Elsie took the bat and hit her leg using it. She slumped down on the floor.

Elsie: This hurts so bad. How can you enjoy this?!

Calix shrugged. He then grabbed a basket and headed to the pantry.

He started picking up random foods from the pantry and calling them by their incorrect names while placing each of them in the basket.

He then went back to the others but not before bumping into the wall on the way out



Blackberry: *blushes* You have to wear a dress, Oliver

Oliver: A dress? Hm...maybe I could borrow Elsie's uniform or the dress in Master's closet--

Adrien: Shhh, don't mention anything about the one in my closet 

Oliver: Oh, right. Sorry

Oliver: I guess I'll take Elsie's instead

Oliver went to grab the dress. It was slightly smaller than his size but he managed to put it on.

They came back to the others wearing the uniform. Blackberry ended up looking away while his face was as red as a tomato.



Carlos: Don't touch your sword for 1 hour, Kasuke

Kasuke: B-but, I need it.....

Adrien: You just destroy the place using it when you bawl. This will be an improvement

Kasuke took out his sword and handed it to Carlos. He took the weapon and put it aside.

The Japanese boy tried to take his mind off the sword. After 20 minutes of attempting to distract himself, he couldn't help it anymore.

He was about to grab his weapon, but a dare is a dare and it'd be unfair to bail. He decided to distract himself by clinging onto Carlos' arm and thinking about their height difference.

When one hour passed, Kasuke immediately grabbed his sword and hugged it. It was a pretty dumb idea though since his cheek was cut a bit when he hugged it.



Ren: *Writes "Adrien, you have to hug the people you love and slap the ones you hate"*

Adrien: I'll be doing the "ones I hate" part first since this is long overdo

The vampire walked up to Lucas and gave him a powerful slap.

He then faced Timmy. He cracked his knuckles and gave him a slap using a lot of force.

As for the "people he loves" part, he first went to Oliver. Obviously he'd pick his loyal and faithful servant first.

For the next person, he took out his phone. He then used it to message Ren and give him a "virtual hug" since he doesn't like being touched.


Now for the questions :)



Timmy: Hey vampire, who do you like?

Adrien: Like? Hm...maybe Ren. He's a pretty good friend

Timmy: I meant "like" as in who are you crushing on

Adrien: Well in that case, I'm not sure



Ren: *Writes "Will you keep my secret, Adrien?"

Adrien: Of course. I promise to not tell anyone

Calix: Not tell anyone what?

Adrien: That's none of your concern



Carlos: Do you enjoy my company, Kasuke?

Kasuke: Y-yes I do

Kasuke: You're really nice, understanding, and you don't discriminate me for being cursed

Kasuke: Also you remind me so much of my mom. You're as kind as her



Blackberry: Oliver um... do you like rabbits?

Oliver: Why yes. I love them ^^

Oliver: They're so adorable and fluffy, I've always wanted to cuddle one



Timmy: What was the most embarrassing thing you did, Calix and Elsie?

Calix: Well....I was in the middle of gently stabbing my hand with a fork, when Master walked in the kitchen and startled me

Calix: Out of reflex, I threw the fork at him. Luckily my aim wasn't accurate and it ended up avoiding his way

Calix: I'm still ashamed up to this day. I was lucky I didn't get suspended

Elsie: For me, it was when I got stuck at the park bench

Elsie: It took us about 3 hours to get me free and random strangers passing by saw me. It was humiliating

Kasuke: We're kind of already used to you acting like that though

Calix: Yeah, it's a normal scene



Blackberry: What would you do if Madison crosses the line?

Oliver: She's crossed the line of human decency months ago

Oliver: If she were to do something far worse than that, I'd have no choice but to throw her to the other side of the neighborhood 



Carlos: Do you have any pets, Kasuke?

Kasuke: I'm not really allowed to have pets

Kasuke: Not because of my job, it's because I am incapable of taking care of an animal

Kasuke: If I did get one, it would most likely die in my supervision

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