Bub Beep

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Today, Matt is currently suffering a "system error" because John complimented him.

Meanwhile, Tsuki and Dishi had their suspicions about Matt.

Dishi: Haven't you noticed that Matt sometimes does that thing

Tsuki: Yeah, like he's malfunctioning or something

Dishi: What if he was....

Tsuki: Was....?

Dishi: A robot?

Tsuki: Hm.. makes sense. He does seem to be like one

Tsuki: Maybe one of his gears broke

Dishi: How do we know if he's actually mechanical?

Tsuki: Hmm....

Chai walked in and saw the two who was deep in thought.

Chai: Hey guys, what are you doing?

Dishi: Chai, do you think Matt is a robot?

Chai: *facepalms* For the last time, he's not a robot!

Tsuki: There's a way to find out if our theory is true or not

She stood up and grabbed a wrench from the storage room and walked towards the malfunctioning boy wearing glasses. She then grabbed his arm.

Tsuki: Let's see if his arm is detachable and metal

Chai: wAIT, STOP!

Matt snapped back to reality just in time before Tsuki started.

Matt: What are you doing?

Tsuki: Uh.... experiments...?

Matt: On my arm?! Using a WRENCH?!

Tsuki: Yes-

He jerked his arm away from her.

Matt: What the heck?! Are you trying to injure me?!

She didn't answer, instead, she pinched his cheek.

Tsuki: Soft, not metal.....is this some sort of weird human flesh like fabric....?

She then ruffled his hair.

Tsuki: Human like....how do they develop stuff like these?!

Matt: Is there something wrong with you?

Tsuki: *intense staring*

He then faced Dishi with a confused face.

Matt: What's wrong with her?

Dishi: She thinks you're a robot. I'm starting to wonder that myself.

Tsuki: Beep beep boop? Bub boop?

Matt: What the hell

Chai: *slaps forehead*

Tsuki: We need further observation

Tsuki: Give me your leg

Matt: No way!

Tsuki: This is one stubborn robot

Matt: What the- I'm not a robot!

Dishi: I think he's a computer

Matt: . . .

Tsuki: Onto the first test!

She grabbed a bucket of water and splashed it on Matt.

Matt: *wipes his glasses* Don't make me throw you out of the window

Tsuki: Waterproof design, Interesting

Matt: Can someone please tell her I'm human?

Dishi: You're an expressionless human

Matt: Wow, thank you very much!

Dishi: And sarcastic too

Tsuki lifted up a a toaster and put it in front of him.

Tsuki: Could you talk to this? I mean, since you two are both machines and all

Matt: I can't talk to a toaster

Tsuki: Huh, I guess you're not related

Matt: I am NOT a Robot!

Matt: I just don't know how to react to different kinds of emotions and feelings

Tsuki: Still, I need to make sure of what you actually are

Tsuki: I need you to laugh

Tsuki: Robots can't laugh

Matt: Oh my god, please don't act stupid

Tsuki: Do it

Matt: I need something to laugh at first

Tsuki: Well I dunno what makes you laugh

John: Hey Matt, isn't that your sister, Beatrix?

Matt: The diva? *Sees her*

Beatrix: *falls down the subway*

Matt: *starts laughing* It feels good to see her kissing the subway floor!

Tsuki: I guess that's one area covered

Tsuki: Next test, Robots can't cry

Matt: Please stop with the experiments

Tsuki: No

Tsuki cut up some fresh onions and put it near his eyes. It stung Matt's eyes so he backed away a bit.

Matt: They sting, you fool!

A few tears fell from his eyes. Tsuki took note of this.

Tsuki: Last test

Tsuki: Robots can't love

Matt: W-what?

Tsuki: If you can love, that proves you're actually human

Matt: Who do you expect me to love?

Matt: My sisters? I despise them.

Tsuki: //shrugs

Tsuki: It can be any type, friends, family, romantically, you know, those kinds of things

Matt: Uh....

John: Are you okay?

Matt: *face turns red* Y-yeah, I'm fine

Tsuki wrote down her results on her clipboard.

Tsuki: I guess you're not a robot

Matt: *clears throat* I told you I wasn't one

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