Day in the life of Lucas Wilson

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8:00 am

Madison had just finished preparing herself for another day of work. She went upstairs to where her young lord's room was and carefully opened the door.

There she saw that Lucas was still peacefully asleep on his bed with a few makeup supplies scattered there. She assumed he must've fallen asleep while attempting another cosplay.

She gently shook him. Lucas groaned a little before opening his eyes.

Madison: Good morning, young earl

Lucas: Mm, morning, Madison

He sat up and stretched his arms. Madison went back downstairs to help prepare breakfast while Lucas gets ready.

He stood up and grabbed a towel then headed to the bathroom. After 30 minutes worth of showering, he went back to his room with a bathrobe on.

Lucas: Let's see.....wrong color. No, this outfit won't do. Terrible for today. long.....

He had managed to toss out at least half of his closet's contents before settling on an outfit.

It was 26°C outside, but that didn't stop him from wearing his usual short shorts and heeled boots.

He was in the middle of putting on mascara and lipgloss when Madison knocked on the door.

Madison: Sir Lucas, hurry up in there, you're gonna be late

Lucas: Late for what? I don't really feel like going to school today

Madison: Not that. I thought you were supposed to visit count Cason today

Lucas: Oh! Right, of course. I have to visit my best friend ^^

Madison: (Are you two even friends??) Your meal is ready, come on

The noble stood up and went to the dining table.

Lucas: Did you---

Madison: No, I did not make this

Lucas: (Makes sense. It's too tasty, you can't cook anything like this) Rococo is doing a great job in the kitchen

Madison: I can't believe I'm saying this, but yeah, I agree with you

Lucas: Speaking of which, are there anymore cookies he made left over?

Madison: (Sorry no, I ate them already) Nope

Lucas: Too bad :(

After finishing up breakfast and brushing his teeth, he went to the front door.

9:25 am

Adrien was busy trying to paint his nails black in the study room when Lucas burst open the door.

Lucas: Good day to you, Adrien!

Adrien: It was great before you suddenly decided to ruin things by showing up

Lucas: You're so mean :<

He walked up to his table and put the polishing materials down.

Lucas: You can do that later, there's something much more important for you to do ^^

Adrien: Please don't do this today--

Before the vampire could say anything else, the young earl made himself comfortable by sitting on his lap.

Adrien: Get off

Lucas: No :)

The younger boy spotted the count's cup of tea on the table so he decided to grab it and drank it as if it was his drink.

Lucas: So, anyways, I was in your room the other night

Adrien: That's my tea you're drinking-- wait, what?

Lucas: I peaked in and watched you and Ren sleep side by side

Adrien: ......Why?

Lucas: Because you look so adorable when you're sleeping, but when you're awake, you're like this moody monster

Adrien: Has anyone ever taught you to mind your own business?

Lucas: No

Adrien: Makes sense

Lucas put down the cup and faced him again.

Lucas: So, about a few days ago, I heard these really weird sounds from the forest

Adrien: What could you possibly hear from the forest?

Lucas: It was this really disturbing noise. I think it was a bunch of moans, some "aa" s, and just a bunch of squeaky sounds was it?

Lucas: Yeah, those. I think someone was uh...dying?

Adrien: (What the....)

Lucas: Then when I passed there again, the noise was already gone. I saw Smoky and this guy with horns on his head walking out of the area

Lucas: The monster-like one was limping for some reason.

Lucas: Then I saw this weird goey white stuff on Smoky's hands, so I assumed they were fighting with melted candy

Lucas: Who the hell even does that???

Adrien: Oh my goodness.....

Lucas: Mm. Ah, just leave them to their shenanigans I guess

Adrien: Yeah....leave them

Lucas: So, btw, why was Ren sleeping beside you a few days ago?

Adrien: He just decided to stay over

Lucas: I thought you didn't let friends sleep in your room

Adrien: We're not friends

Lucas: Then what is he to you?

Adrien: He's my boyfriend

Lucas: Ohh

Adrien: Mhm. So get off me, it's wrong to sit on someone who's already in a relationship

Lucas: Relax, it's not like I'm trying to seduce you or anything, I just like sitting here. You're comfy

Lucas: And besides, I already have a potential love interest anyways, so I won't go chasing you anymore

Adrien: Who the heck would like you???

Lucas: My new cook apparently

Adrien: Weird

Adrien: Just get off me already!

Lucas: Wait, I need to do something first

He took out his phone and took a selfie of himself and Adrien.

Lucas: Yay--- hey, where did you go? Why am I floating in mid air in this photo??

Adrien: I'm a vampire you idiot, we don't have reflections

Lucas: Then how do you explain the mirror in your room? I can see you using it most of the time

Adrien: That was a special type of mirror, it works for our kind

Lucas: Use that special mirror of yours more often, you really need to put on better makeup. Your eyeliner looks awful

Adrien: Rude

Lucas: Just telling the truth

The door opened and there stood Ren. The prince was happy to see Adrien, but after spotting Lucas sitting on his lap, his eye twitched.

Lucas: Your prince is here, I'm going now before he decides to kill me with that weird eye of his

The young Earl hopped down and ran out the room, ignoring the pinching feeling he's getting while running in 3-4 inch heels.

1:00 pm

Right after lunch, Lucas and his maid went to the mall for some shopping.

Lucas: Carry this for me

Madison: My lord, this is the 6th paper bag you have

Madison: We've only been here for 30 minutes

Lucas: I know, so get your arms ready, we're buying more stuff and you're carrying all of them for me ^^

Lucas had spotted some new outfits from the women's clothing section, so he decided to buy some of them.

Lucas: These hoodies look so cute, I'm definitely buying 12 of them

Madison: But, you already have 20 hoodies at home

Lucas: The point of a shopping spree is to fill my closet even more

Lucas: Speaking of which, I'm buying myself more shorts and some makeup

The boy pranced around the area, grabbing all sorts of stuff and putting it in his basket. Madison followed him while trying to drag the bags with her.

5:00 pm

Lucas was getting pretty bored so he decided to do one of his favorite hobbies: Cosplay

He owns all sorts of costumes, but his personal favorite is his Alois Trancy cosplay, mainly because he still gets to wear shorts in that outfit.

He took out the outfit and put it on. He then grabbed the blonde wig and some makeup supplies.

Lucas: I'm gonna make myself look even more pretty :)

He carefully put on lipgloss and some mascara. After a few more adjustments, he finally completed the look.

Lucas: I'm getting better at makeup nowadays ^^

He put down the materials and headed to the door.

Lucas: Madison, I'll be back later. So, you're free to chase Oliver again if you like, have fun

He went out the mansion and decided to walk around the neighborhood while in cosplay even though there wasn't any convention nearby.

While walking and fiddling with his phone, Grape had spotted him and walked up to him.

Grape: You're Alois Trancy, right?

Lucas: Well...uh...yes? Technically I am him now

Grape: Can I ask you something?

Lucas: Sure, go ahead

Grape: Why did you lick Ciel's ear while at that party?

Lucas: . . . Um . . (How does she know about that scene? Are kids even allowed to watch Black Butler??)

Lucas: I was just..... hungry. Yeah, I didn't eat much at that time

Grape: Really?

Lucas: Yes. I gotta go now.

Grape: Wait---

He ran away from her before she could say anything else.

Lucas: People really need to monitor what she watches

10:00 pm

Lucas: I'm tired, I'm sleeping early today

Madison: Sir, it's 10 pm

Lucas: That's early for me

Lucas: Goodnight, Madison

Madison: Goodnight, young Earl

The maid shut the lights and went out of his room. Lucas laid down on his bed and was about to fall asleep when he heard giggling from downstairs.

He stood up and went to the sliding door which was the way to the balcony. He looked down and saw that some of the servants were still awake and talking with each other.

Maid 1: I hate this job so much

Maid 2: Same here. Working for that brat is horrible

Maid 2: I really hate that annoying voice of his

Maid 1: Same. His screams pierce my eardrums every time

Lucas: I can hear you two

The two maids turned their heads to him in shock.

Lucas: Your bloody cackle hurts my ears, pipe down and go to your rooms!

He grabbed a chair and let it fall off the balcony. The two ran away before they could get hit by any furniture.

He stomped back to his bed and slept before he could start whining again.

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