Day with the Genderbends

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Here's a guide to keep you on track:

Gabriel - Luna (I can't think of a name okay?! Gabriel is already a boy name)

Leo - Suki

Crimson - Dex

Tsuki - Sirius (...this one too. Smh, I should come up with names soon)

Twilight - Sage

Kimi - Kai

Takashi - Toshiko

Kichiro - Aiko

Berry: Berry

Kitty: Allay


Sage: Hey everyone!

Luna: Hey Sage, what's with the bag?

Sage took out a sparkly cloth from the bag and showed it to them.

Sage: Suki made this for me! It's a warm blanket!

Sage: Thank you, Suki!

Suki: Anytime

Luna: Can you make me one too?

Suki: Sure!

Suki: Also, dinner is ready, go head to the table, I'll be there in a sec.

Suki: Just need to change clothes first, my dress is dirty from cleaning.

Suki left and went to her room to change.

Sirius: She can be a good wife

Kai: Yeah

Sirius: Maybe yours in the future

Kai flushed a light blush on his cheeks.

Sirius: Someone's smiling

Kai: N-no I'm not!

Sirius: Haha, right

Sirius: You should clean up too

Kai: You're right, I'm covered in dirt

Sirius: Where did you even go?

Kai: Played outside and then ran away

Sirius: Ran away? From who?

Kai: That annoying girl from my village

Kai: I'm still wondering how the hell did she get in this timeline

Aiko sat on the sofa and fiddles with her hair.

Aiko: Okay, I should really wash this

Aiko: Maybe tommorow, but I still don't like baths

Aiko: Dex still isn't home

Sirius: Where did he head off to?

Aiko: He went to buy some stuff from the store

Aiko: It's for Toshiko

There was a knock on the door. Kai stood up and opened it. Dex was at the door carrying some paper bags.

Dex: I'm back.

Dex: It was tricky buying the things Toshiko needed.

Dex: One of the store workers looked at me in confusion. Probably wondering why me, a boy, would buy stuff like this.

Berry: What did you buy?

Dex: Uh... you know....girl things for that time of the month

Sirius: Oh, it's today huh

Berry and Allay: I see

Berry and Allay: Stop that

Berry and Allay: You stop that!

Berry and Allay: STOP COPYING ME!!!!

The two continued to argue while Sirius was trying to stop them.

Dex: Where's Toshiko?

Aiko: She's in her room taking a nap

Dex: I'm just gonna give these to her when she wakes up

Dex: Don't wanna awaken the salt monster

Aiko: Speaking of the monster...

Toshiko walked to the couch and plopped down, not making eye contact with anyone.

Dex slowly approached her.

Dex: Um, Toshiko?

Toshiko: What

Dex: I have the stuff you need

Toshiko: Just put them in my room and give me something to eat

Dex: O-okay, what would you like?

Toshiko: E v e r y t h i n g.

Dex: A-Alright

He went to the kitchen.

Dex: Hey Suki, could you cook us some more food?

Suki: Is everything gone already?

Dex: Toshiko's feeling extra hungry today

Suki: Okay

Suki proceeded to cook while Dex went back to the living area.

Toshiko still looked irritated.

Dex: Are you okay?

Toshiko: Ye-

Toshiko: ACK!

Dex: What's wrong?!

Toshiko: CRAMP

Dex: Oh dear...

She laid down and clutched her knees.

Toshiko: I hate this time of the month

Dex: I'll go get you a hot compress

Suki came out if the kitchen and put the food on the table.

Suki: What's up with Toshiko?

Aiko: Period cramps

Suki: Sounds painful

Aiko: You'll soon get those when you're older

Suki: being a girl is hard

Aiko: Tell me about it

When Toshiko finally felt better, she sat up properly and pointed to the food.

Dex: Hungry?

Toshiko: Yes

Toshiko: Give. It. Now.

Dex: Okay okay

Aiko: Salt-

Toshiko: Shut up

Luna: Someone used up all the conditioner again

Sirius: Seriously?! I just brought a bottle three days ago!

Suki: Sorry Sirius, but my hair needed it

Sirius: I need conditioner too! Why do you use up so much?

Suki: I have longer hair than you l, which means I have more to maintain

Luna: Can't argue with that

Sirius: Wait, I gotta go


Sirius ran to the two again.

Kai: Hey Suki, wanna play?

Suki: Sure!

The two kids went out to the park.

At the park.....

Kai: Hey guys, I'm back! And I brought a friend along!

Suki: Hi there, I'm Suki!

Boy 1: Are you sure she can play with us?

Kai: Of course! Why not?

Boy 2: Well, she's a girl....

Suki grabbed the ball and kicked it at the boy.

Suki: You, me. One on one. Now.

Boy 2: Haha, as if a girl like you would beat me-

She snatched that ball and quickly ran past him. She swiftly kicked the ball through the goal.

Kai: Woah

Suki dusted off and looked at them.

Suki: Don't underestimate the power of a woman

Suki: Game on!

Back at home...

Dex: Toshiko....?

Toshiko: What?!

Dex: Eek!

Dex: *quietly slides a chocolate bar at her*

Toshiko: what's this?

Dex: It's for you to lessen your moodiness

Dex: Chocolate helps

She took the chocolate and munched on it.

Dex: I'll go now-

Toshiko: No, stay

Dex: Okay

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